How to use an apostrophe after a name ending with S › 01 › use-apostrophe-name-ending-sMar 01, 2017 · One of the most confusing punctuation rules is when to use an apostrophe to make a name possessive if it ends in S. Names not ending in S are easy: Jack’s toy; Jill’s microscope; Jeremy’s doll; Jane’s plane; When a name ends in S, it throws people off. Take James, for example. Some people might be tempted when following the pattern in the list above to write it as Jame’s. Others might be tempted to treat it as any other name, that is James’s.
Apostrophes with Words and Names Ending in s › blog › apostrophesNov 02, 2016 · Our rule as stated in the blog “Apostrophes with Names Ending in s, ch, or z” says, “To show singular possession of a name ending in s, ch, or z, use the apostrophe and another s.” However, not all style manuals agree. For example, AP Stylebook says, “Singular proper names ending in s: Use only an apostrophe.” Since there is disagreement between the different style guides, this is probably one of the more flexible “rules.”