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apostrophe rules for names ending in s

Possessives : The Apostrophe - University of Sussex › punctuation
An apostrophe is used in a possessive form, like Esther's family or Janet's cigarettes, and this is the use of the apostrophe which causes most of the trouble.
Possessive of Proper Names Ending in S - Daily Writing Tips
4.8.2014 · Some stylebooks recommend a single apostrophe for Biblical or classical names like Jesus and Achilles, but ’s for names like James and Charles; others say, “Treat all names ending …
Possessive Case of Nouns: Rules and Examples - Grammarly › blog
Do we add another s for the possessive form of a name ending with s? Which is correct, Chris's chair or Chris' chair? James's car or James' ...
Rules for Names Ending in 's' - Video & Lesson Transcript
4.8.2020 · Adding apostrophe ''s'' ('s) to word that end with an ''s'' is correct. However, this is important: for words that end with ''s,'' both forms are acceptable. So, it is also okay to only add …
How to use an apostrophe after a name ending with S
1.3.2017 · With personal names that end in -s but are not spoken with an extra s: just add an apostrophe after the -s. For James, the plural possessive sounds as if it has two S sounds when …
Apostrophes with Names Ending in s, ch, or z › blog
If a family's name ends in s, we must add –es for the plural. Then to show possession, an apostrophe is added. Welcome to the Dreweses' Home.
Apostrophe Rules: Easy Guide to Different Uses - YourDictionary › apostrophe-rules
Use Apostrophe + “S” With Nouns That Don’t End in “S” When a singular noun has possession over another noun (such as Mom’s hat or the boy’s dog ), add an apostrophe + “S” to the end of the noun. The same goes for collective nouns and plural nouns that don’t end in “S.” The cat’s kittens all began meowing at once. ( cat is singular)
How to use an apostrophe after a name ending with S › 01 › use-apostrophe-name-ending-s
Mar 01, 2017 · One of the most confusing punctuation rules is when to use an apostrophe to make a name possessive if it ends in S. Names not ending in S are easy: Jack’s toy Jill’s microscope Jeremy’s doll Jane’s plane When a name ends in S, it throws people off. Take James, for example.
Possessives of Names Ending in “S”: Chris’ or Chris’s?
3.4.2020 · The possessive of a first or last name ending in s (like Chris or Harris) can be formed by adding only an apostrophe or an apostrophe and another s. Style manuals differ in their …
Apostrophe Rules With Names - The Classroom › apostrophe-rules-names
May 10, 2019 · Apostrophes With Two Names If you are using the names of two different people in a possessive form, you add the apostrophe and the “s” only to the second name -- “Mary and Sally’s red blouses.” If you use one person’s name and a pronoun for the other person, add the apostrophe and “s” only to the name -- “Jimmy’s and her favorite movies.” Related
Using Apostrophes with Last Names Ending in s, ch, or z
Rule: To form the plural of a last name that ends with a ch, add an es. To form the possessive of the plural, add an apostrophe. Examples The Finch es live right down the street from us. The Finch …
Apostrophes with Names Ending in s, ch, or z - The Blue …
28.7.2009 · Rule: To show plural possession of a name ending in s, ch, or z, form the plural first; then immediately use the apostrophe. Examples: the Williamses’ car the Birches’ house the …
Apostrophe - The Punctuation Guide › ...
The possessive of a plural noun is formed by adding only an apostrophe when the noun ends in s, and by adding both an apostrophe and s when it ends in a ...
Apostrophes with Words and Names Ending in s › blog › apostrophes
Nov 02, 2016 · Place the apostrophe (and perhaps an s) where appropriate. 1. The classes opinions were predictable according to their grade levels. 2. The boss suit was brand new. 3. The bus steering wheel was wearing out. 4. The Crosses dog bit the mailman. 5. We understand Lagos airport handled over one million passengers last year. 6. The Smiths boat sank.
Possessives of Names Ending in “S”: Chris' or Chris's? Harris ... › ... › Nouns
For names ending in s, form the possessive either by simply adding an apostrophe (Chris' phone, Harris' car, James' books) or by adding an ...
Apostrophes With Names Ending in S - Grammar Check Online
13.8.2022 · To show the possessive form for a person’s name ending in S, you either add an apostrophe and S (‘s) or just an apostrophe (‘). The rule depends on the house style manual …
Apostrophe Rules With Names - The Classroom
10.5.2019 · If you are using the names of two different people in a possessive form, you add the apostrophe and the “s” only to the second name -- “Mary and Sally’s red blouses.” If you use …
The apostrophe and its uses › awe › punctuation
The main use of the apostrophe is to form the possessive case of most nouns by adding an apostrophe or an apostrophe and 's'. See also Possessives for more ...
Apostrophes With Names Ending in S - Grammarist › punctuation
To show the possessive form for a person's name ending in S, you either add an apostrophe and S ('s) or just an apostrophe ('). The rule depends on the ...
Apostrophes with Words and Names Ending in s
2.11.2016 · Our rule as stated in the blog “Apostrophes with Names Ending in s, ch, or z ” says, “To show singular possession of a name ending in s, ch, or z, use the apostrophe and another s .”. …
What Are the Apostrophes with Names Ending in S? › apostrophes-with-names
Apostrophes with Names Ending in S Common nouns: When it comes to grammar rules for apostrophe after s, you should be consistent in writing. You need to use the best formula and stay consistent all the time. Apostrophe rules also mention that if the family name has ending like x, ch, sh, or z, however, we need to add ‘es’ to form the ending.
What Are the Apostrophes with Names Ending in S?
Apostrophes with Names Ending in S. Common nouns: When it comes to grammar rules for apostrophe after s, you should be consistent in writing. You need to use the best formula and …