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aphis.usda.govApr 5, 2023 · USDA Seeks Public Input on Draft Environmental Documents for Deregulation of Corn Developed Using Genetic Engineering [open for comment through May 11, 2023] Apr 10, 2023, 12:11:29 PM GMT APHIS Amends Federal Order for Entry Requirements for Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and Pepper (Capsicum spp.) Seeds Imported from All Countries into the ...
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efile.aphis.usda.govTransit Plants and/or Plant Products, Plant Pests, and/or Associated Soil Through The United States. eFile Application. PPQ-587. Application for Permit to Import Plants or Plant Products. eFile Application. PPQ-588. Controlled Import of Plants and Plant Products for Experimental, Therapeutic, or Developmental Purposes.