This is Nordnet › aboutNordnet's digital platform for savings and investments forms the backbone of our offering and gives private savers and investors direct access to the global savings market. On the platform, our customers can save and invest in stocks, mutual funds and other securities at competitive prices through a number of different account types.
Build a better future – work at Nordnet › careerAt Nordnet we share the ambition to create the best platform for savings and investments. Together, we work to keep challenge the industry and present new innovative solutions, in an environment that is supportive, open and warm. Here you can meet some of the employees at Nordnet and read about their experiences, thoughts and progress at Nordnet.
Native AOT deployment overview - .NET | Microsoft Learn › core › deployingOct 21, 2022 · Native AOT applications target a specific runtime environment, such as Linux x64 or Windows x64, just like publishing a self-contained app. There are some limitations in the .NET native AOT deployment model, with the main one being that run-time code generation is not possible. For more information, see Limitations of Native AOT deployment. The support in the .NET 7 release is targeted towards console-type applications.