Hallmarks - Identify Antique on the App Store
apps.apple.com › us › appHallmarks - Identify Antique on the App Store Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps. Hallmarks - Identify Antique 4+ Sterling silver marks & crests BigBalli Consulting llc Designed for iPad 4.1 • 82 Ratings Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Remember: only letter "A" is unlocked by default.
Antique Price Guides - Apps on Google Play
The antiquesnavigator price guide database has millions of records, add in the photos and the total data size is 2+ terabytes. There us absolutely no way to have a self contained app with that much...
Antique Price Guide – Kovels
www.kovels.com › antique-collectible-price-guideThe Definitive Antiques and Collectibles Price Guide Over 1 million prices for antiques and collectibles reviewed and edited by experts for accuracy. Relied upon by generations. Sales Reports Price Guide Select Area of Collecting Below or Alphabetical List Pottery, Porcelain & Look-alikes Glass & Bottles Silver & Other Metal Collectibles