Sterling Silver Flatware & Silverware – Antique Cupboard › collections › antiques-silverFamily operated silver & jewelry business for 50+ years. We buy and sell silver, specializing in rare patterns, one-of-a-kind, Tiffany & Co, Georg Jensen, Christofle, Buccellati, Gorham, Lunt, Towle, Wallace, International, Reed & Barton, New, Victorian, Mid-Century Modern, & Museum quality sterling silver flatware.
Flatware & Silverware Sets – Antique Cupboard › collections › antiques-silverFamily operated silver & jewelry business for 50+ years. We buy and sell silver, specializing in rare patterns, one-of-a-kind, Tiffany & Co, Georg Jensen, Christofle, Buccellati, Gorham, Lunt, Towle, Wallace, International, Reed & Barton, New, Victorian, Mid-Century Modern, & Museum quality sterling silver flatware.
Why Should I Sell Silver to Antique Cupboard?
www.webuysilverantiquecupboard.comAntique Cupboard is a family-owned and operated, Better Business Bureau business that has been in operation over 50 years. During that time, people who have come to us to sell their silver have been consistently bowled over by our service. We are recognized as one of the leading buyers of Sterling Silver flatware and hollowware.