Another word for growth and development for development growth, maturation, maturing, ripening blossoming, flourishing, flowering mellowing, softening evolution, evolvement, expansion, progression coming-of-age, …
130 Synonyms & Antonyms of DEVELOPMENT - Merriam-Webster for DEVELOPMENT: elaboration, evolution, expansion, growth, progress, progression, aftereffect, aftermath; Antonyms for DEVELOPMENT: regress, regression, retrogression, …
Development synonyms | Best 97 synonyms for … for DEVELOPMENT: gain, growth, reinforcement, evolution, growing, gradual evolution, elaborating; Antonyms for DEVELOPMENT: lessening, decrease, reduction, abortion, atrophy, …
Another word for growth and development for growth development, maturation, maturing, ripening Near Antonyms for growth decadence, decay, decaying, declension, decline, declining, degeneration, descent, …