Amos Rex Shop on Behance › gallery › 113371987Feb 15, 2021 · Amos Rex Shop — Retail design to deepen the museum experience Between old and new, art and everyday The museum shops acts as a gate between different spheres: the 1930s functionalist Lasipalatsi and the ultramodern exhibition space, the wonderful world of art and your everyday life. In the space, all this becomes one.
Amos Rex – Amos Rex kan naturligtvis besöka oss under gratisdagen utan bokning! Observera också att vi kan ha köer under populära timmar. För fritt inträde är Amos Rex öppet kl. 11–20 under dagen. Om du önskar göra ett längre besök, kom gärna tidigare på …
Amos Rex Shop - Veli Studio › amos-rexVeli Studio is a full service creative studio and production company for film, 3D animation and art. Veli Studio is a full service creative studio and production company for film, 3D animation and art. Projects Artists Services Contact +358504046112 Hämeentie 11 4th floor 00530 Helsinki instagram policy Close
Amos Rex – Amos Rex new at Amos Rex Shop Marimade by Marimekko Marimade is Marimekko’s creative playground where they innovate, experiment, and collaborate to create multifunctional everyday …
Amos Rex Shop – a museum shop & bookstore in Helsinki › en › shopAmos Rex Shop is a bridge between the world underneath the Amos Rex mounds and your everyday life. Deepen your experience, learn new things or take the world of the exhibition home with you. It does not have to be about buying – come and be inspired by our book selection, discover something pretty and nice or simply enjoy the collection of art magazines for everyone!
Shop – Amos Rexår museibutik är en brygga mellan världen under Amos Rex kullar och din egen vardag. Fördjupa din upplevelse, lär dig mera, eller ta utställningens värld med dig hem. Man behöver inte alltid köpa – kom och låt dig inspireras av vårt …
Amos Rex – Amos Rex › enBring your friends to Amos Rex workshop. Different colours, as well as their absence or otherwise atypical behaviour, can affect a person’s emotional state and perception of the environment in many ways. This tour explores these effects through art, with the help of various activities. The workshop is suitable for all kinds of participants: children and adults, those who have a distant relationship to art and those who love it.