Anopsia - Wikipedia › wiki › AnopsiaAnopsia An anopsia (from Ancient Greek ἀν- (an-) 'without', and ὄψις (opsis) 'sight') is a defect in the visual field. If the defect is only partial, then the portion of the field with the defect can be used to isolate the underlying cause. Types of partial anopsia: Hemianopsia Homonymous hemianopsia Heteronymous hemianopsia Binasal hemianopsia
Amblyopia – Blind Children's Center › amblyopiaAmblyopia, also known as “amblyopia ex anopsia,” is dimness of vision from disuse. In the absence of organic eye disease, reduced visual acuity in one eye (uncorrectable with lenses) due to cortical suppression; commonly caused by strabismus or by unequal refractive errors, but may also be caused by opacities of the lens or cornea.
Amblyopia – Wikipedia heikkonäköisyys eli amblyopia on näköön liittyvä sairaus, mikä ilmenee lapsilla ja nuorilla . Lapsen heikentyneen näöntarkkuuden yleisin syy on toiminnallinen heikkonäköisyys, eli toisin sanoen amblyopia. Amblyopia tarkoittaa lapsilla sitä, että mahdollisesti toinen silmä on alentunut. Amblyopiaa sairastaa noin 2–4 prosenttia väestöstä.
Amblyopia - Wikipedia › wiki › AmblyopiaAmblyopia Amblyopia, also called lazy eye, is a disorder of sight in which the brain fails to fully process input from one eye and over time favors the other eye. [1] It results in decreased vision in an eye that typically appears normal in other respects. [1]
Amblyopia - Wikipedia, also called lazy eye, is a disorder of sight in which the brain fails to fully process input from one eye and over time favors the other eye. It results in decreased vision in an eye that typically appears normal in other respects. Amblyopia is the most common cause of decreased vision in a single eye among … Näytä lisää