sinä etsit:

alpha beta cappa delta echo

Military Phonetic Alphabet - NATO Code & Morse Code Chart › military-alphabet
The military alphabet or military phonetic alphabet dates back tp 1927. Terms such as alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo, and foxtrot are part of a unique phonetic system used to ensure accurate communication. The characters and pronunciations we use today were created by the International Civil Aviation Organization in the 1950s to streamline ...
NATO phonetic alphabet - Wikipedia › wiki › NATO_phonetic_alphabet
DELTA: Delta: Delta: Delta: Delta DELL TAH Delta DELL TAH E Ecuador Eddystone Edison Edison Edison EASY EDWARD ELSA EDWARD Echo: Echo: Echo: Echo ECK OH Echo ECK OH F France Francisco Florida Florida Florida FOX: FREDDIE FIESTA FOX: Foxtrot: Foxtrot: Foxtrot: Foxtrot FOKS TROT Foxtrot FOKS TROT G Greece Gibraltar Gallipoli Gallipoli Gallipoli ...
Do you know what NATO phonetic alphabet is? - SAFETY4SEA › cm-do-you-...
... Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, ... Note that “Alpha” is written as “Alfa” and “Juliet” is written as ...
alpha, beta, Charlie, delta, gamma.......... - Google Groups › alt.usage.english
>Alfa, bravo, charlie, delta, echo, foxtrot, golf, hotel, india, juliet, >kilo, lima, mike, november, oscar, papa, sierra, tango, uniform, victor, >whiskey, ...
Military Alphabet - TV Tropes › Tropes
Bravo, Baker, Baker, Boy. Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. Delta, Dog, Dog, David. Advertisement: Echo, Easy, Easy, Edward. Foxtrot, Fox, Fox, Frank.
Phonetic alphabet • LITFL › phonetic-alphabet
Sep 8, 2019 · This video contains content from NBC Universal, who has blocked it on copyright grounds. Watch on. The NATO phonetic alphabet system: ALPHA — BRAVO — CHARLIE — DELTA — ECHO — FOXTROT — GOLF — HOTEL — INDIA — JULIET — KILO — LIMA — MIKE — NOVEMBER — OSCAR — PAPA — QUEBEC — ROMEO — SIERRA — TANGO — UNIFORM ...
You've heard alfa, bravo, Charlie...but do you know where it ... › news
You've heard alfa, bravo, Charlie…but do you know where it came from? ... in alphabetical order: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, ...
Alpha › media › cms
November Alpha. November. Bravo. Oscar. Bravo. Oscar. Bravo. Oscar. Bravo ... Delta. Quebec. Echo. Romeo. Echo. Romeo. Echo. Romeo. Echo. Romeo. Echo.
Bravo, Baker, Or Beta & Echo Or Epsilon? - MechWarrior Online › topic › 711...
Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta Echo, Foxtrot...etc...I could go on as I had to use it when I served. It's called the Phonetic Alphabet btw and ...
Bravo C--Charlie D--Delta E--Echo F--Foxtrot G - ARRL › files › file › Youth
A--Alpha. B--Bravo. C--Charlie. D--Delta. E--Echo. F--Foxtrot. G--Golf. H--Hotel. I--India. J--Juliett. K--Kilo. L--Lima. M--Mike. N--November. O--Oscar.
NATO Phonetic Alphabet (Alpha, Bravo Charlie, Delta ... › languages › nato-phonetic
This alphabet is used by the U.S. military and has also been adopted by the FAA (American Federal Aviation Administration), ANSI (American National Standards Institute), and ARRL (American Radio Relay League). Contrary to what its name suggests, the NATO Phonetic Alphabet is not a phonetic alphabet.
Greek alphabet › sow
alpha. The Greek alphabet was used by Johannes Bayer around the year 1600 to name ... 1. Alpha, 2. Beta, 3. Gamma, 4. Delta, 5. Epsilon, 6. Zeta. 7. Eta, 8.
Greek alphabet - Wikipedia › wiki › Gre...
Sound values ; Α α, alpha · άλφα ; Β β, beta · βήτα ; Γ γ, gamma · γάμμα ; Δ δ, delta · δέλτα ; Ε ε, epsilon · έψιλον ...
Greek alphabet - Wikipedia › wiki › Greek_alphabet
In most constellations, the brightest star is designated Alpha and the next brightest Beta etc. For example, the brightest star in the constellation of Centaurus is known as Alpha Centauri. For historical reasons, the Greek designations of some constellations begin with a lower ranked letter. International Phonetic Alphabet