https://alko.tetrium.fiPrevious; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; Next; >> ... Alko. 13.5%. Pakkaustyyppi. hanapakkaus. Hinta. 25.11€. Litrahinta. 8.37€/L ... 0.5L Koskenkorva Viina muovipullo E.
Alkon hinnasto > Vodkat ja viinat - › hinnasto › alko › sivu=5Koskenkorva Viina 30 % muovipullo, Suomi, 1.00, 23.29, 22.89, 930498. Koskenkorva Viina 30%, Suomi, 0.50, 12.28, 24.36, 134136.
Koskenkorva Viina | Alko › en › productsServe vodkas and spirits as shots at a crayfish party, at the Christmas table or with herring and Baltic herring dishes seasoned with vinegar. Vodkas and spirits are also used in many drinks, such as Cosmopolitan, Screwdriver and Bloody Mary. How to serve. As shots, vodkas and spirits are served chilled, at 4–6°C.