Alfabet angielski wymową i literowanie po angielsku › rozmowki › alfabet-angielskiAlfabet po angielsku nazwy zwierząt: A: ant – mrówka, B: bear – niedźwiedź, C: cat – kot, D: dog – pies, E: elephant – słoń, F: fish – ryba, G: giraffe – żyrafa, H: horse – koń, I: iguana – legwan, J: jaguar –jaguar, K: koala – koala, L: lion – lew, M: monkey – małpa, N: narwhal – narwal, O: owl – sowa, P ...
Spelling alphabet - Wikipedia › wiki › Spelling_alphabetA spelling alphabet (also called by various other names) is a set of words used to represent the letters of an alphabet in oral communication, especially over a two-way radio or telephone. The words chosen to represent the letters sound sufficiently different from each other to clearly differentiate them.
NATO Phonetic Alphabet (Alpha, Bravo Charlie, Delta ... › languages › nato-phoneticA typical use of the NATO Phonetic Alphabet would be to spell out each letter in a word over the phone by saying, for example: "S as in Sierra" (or "S for Sierra"), "E as in Echo, Y as in Yankee, F as in Foxtrot, R as in Romeo, I as in India, E as in Echo, D as in Delta" to communicate the spelling of the name "Seyfried" correctly.
English alphabet - Wikipedia alphabet for Modern English is a Latin-script alphabet consisting of 26 letters, each having an upper- and lower-case form. The word alphabet is a compound of the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, alpha and beta. The alphabet originated around the 7th century CE to write Old English from Latin script. Since then, letters have been added or removed to give the current letters: • A a
Literowanie - Angielski w Pracy › literowanieLiterowanie (spelling) Literowanie jest bardzo często stosowane przy podawaniu nazwisk, nazw firm, adresów i innych ważnych danych przekazywanych drogą telefoniczną. Ze względu na złą słyszalność literowanie wspomagane jest podawaniem nie pojedyńczych liter ale także słów, które zaczynają się od litery o którą nam chodzi.