Aleksanterinkatu - Wikipedia › wiki › AleksanterinkatuAleksanterinkatu ( Swedish: Alexandersgatan; " Alexander Street") is a street in Kluuvi, the commercial centre of Helsinki, Finland. In the city plan by Carl Ludvig Engel, it was the Decumanus Maximus, the main east–west street in the city, crossing the Cardo, Unioninkatu ( Union Street) at the corner of the Senate Square .
Aleksanterinkatu - Wikipedia (Swedish: Alexandersgatan; "Alexander Street") is a street in Kluuvi, the commercial centre of Helsinki, Finland. In the city plan by Carl Ludvig Engel, it was the Decumanus Maximus, the main east–west street in the city, crossing the Cardo, Unioninkatu (Union Street) at the corner of the Senate Square.
Aleksanterinkatu | Streets & Transportation › places › aleksanterinkatuEasily accessible by foot and public transportation, the street is one of Helsinki’s best for shopping, sightseeing, and holiday celebration. History & Background Aleksanterinkatu is the central east-west street in Helsinki, beginning near the Presidential Palace and continuing for a quarter mile to Mannerheimintie, the city’s longest street.