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al pacino

Al Pacino - IMDb › name › nm0000199
Alfredo James "Al" 'Pacino established himself as a film actor during one of cinema's most vibrant decades, the 1970s, and has become an enduring and iconic figure in the world of American movies. He was born April 25, 1940 in Manhattan, New York City, to Italian-American parents, Rose (nee Gerardi) and Sal Pacino.
Al Pacino – Wikipedia
52 riviä · Alfredo James "Al" Pacino, född 25 april 1940 i East Harlem i New York, är en …
Al Pacino – Wikipedia
Alfredo James „Al“ Pacino ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Filmregisseur und Filmproduzent. Seit den 1970er Jahren ist er in zahlreichen Filmklassikern zu sehen; er gilt für viele Kritiker und Zuschauer als herausragender …
Al Pacino - Biography - IMDb
Alfredo James "Al" 'Pacino established himself as a film actor during one of cinema's most vibrant decades, the 1970s, and has become an enduring and …
Al Pacino - Wikipedia
Alfredo James Pacino is an American actor. Considered one of the most influential actors of the 20th century, he has received numerous accolades: including an Academy Award, two Tony Awards, and two Primetime Emmy Awards, making him one of the few performers to have achieved the Triple Crown of Acting. He has also been honored with the AFI Life Achievement Aw…
Al Pacino | Biography, Movies, Scarface, & Facts | Britannica › biography › Al-Pacino
Aug 12, 2022 · Al Pacino and Gabrielle Anwar in Scent of a Woman Sea of Love (1989), his biggest hit in years, reestablished Pacino as a major film star. In 1990 he reprised the role of Michael Corleone in The Godfather, Part III and gave a hilarious portrayal of grotesque gangster Big Boy Caprice in Dick Tracy.
Tänään tv:ssä: Tätä elokuvaa Al Pacino ei olisi halunnut ... › Uutiset
Tänään tv:ssä: Tätä elokuvaa Al Pacino ei olisi halunnut missään nimessä tehdä – Lopputuloksena legendaarinen roolisuoritus ja Oscar-voitto.
Al Pacino › Al_Pacino
Alfredo James Pacino ( / p ə tʃ I n oʊ / ; italialainen: [patʃiːno] ; syntynyt 25 huhtikuu 1940) on yhdysvaltalainen näyttelijä ja elokuvaohjaaja.
Al Pacino - IMDb › name
Alfredo James "Al" 'Pacino established himself as a film actor during one of cinema's most vibrant ... Born: April 25, 1940 ...
Al Pacino signing blockbuster book deal with Penguin
2 päivää sitten · They made him an offer he can’t refuse. “The Godfather” star Al Pacino is closing a deal with publishing giant Penguin Random House to pen a book, sources exclusively tell …
Al Pacino, 81, tapailee 53 vuotta nuorempaa tv-tuottajaa › Viihde › Viihdeuutiset
Näyttelijä Al Pacinon, 81, väitetään tapailevan Noor Alfallahia, 28. Asiasta uutisoineen The Mirrorin mukaan Alfallah ja Pacino olivat ...
Al Pacino - Movies, Age & The Godfather - Biography › actor › al-pacino
Apr 20, 2021 · Alfredo James Pacino was born in New York City on April 25, 1940. He was the only child of Italian immigrants from Sicily who separated when he was a toddler. After they split, Pacino’s father...
All Al Pacino's movies - IMDb
The aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty in postwar New York City transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant youngest son. Director: Francis Ford Coppola | Stars: …
Al Pacino - IMDb
Al Pacino, Actor: Serpico. Alfredo James "Al" 'Pacino established himself as a film actor during one of cinema's most vibrant decades, the 1970s, and has …
Al Pacino Movies List - IMDb
The early life and career of Vito Corleone in 1920s New York City is portrayed, while his son, Michael, expands and tightens his grip on the family crime syndicate. Director: Francis Ford …
Al Pacino - Wikipedia › wiki › Al_Pacino
25. huhtikuuta 1940 New York, New York) on yhdysvaltalainen Oscar-palkittu näyttelijä ja elokuvantekijä. Hänen tunnetuimpia roolejaan ovat esimerkiksi Michael ...
Näyttelijälegenda Al Pacino eli uransa alkuaikoina ... › tv-ja-elokuvat › art-2000008673557
Torstai-iltana tv:ssä esitettävä kulttielokuva Scarface – arpinaama sinetöi Al Pacinon maineen gangstereiden näyttelijänä. Uran alku ei kuitenkaan ollut ...
Al Pacino – Wikipedia
Alfredo James ”Al” Pacino (s. 25. huhtikuuta 1940 New York, New York) on yhdysvaltalainen Oscar-palkittu näyttelijä ja elokuvantekijä. Hänen tunnetuimpia roolejaan ovat esimerkiksi Michael Corleone Kummisetä-trilogiassa, Tony Montana Scarface – arpinaamassa, Alphonse Caprice Dick Tracyssa ja … Näytä lisää
Al Pacino best speech - Any Given Sunday - 1080p HD - YouTube
9.6.2015 · Brilliant delivery of Dialogues. Academy Award winner Al Pacino and Cameron Diaz lead a stellar cast in Oscar winner Oliver Stone's hard-hitting homage to the gridiron gladiators of Any Given Sunday.
Al Pacino - Rotten Tomatoes › al_...
Arguably the most accomplished actor of his generation, Al Pacino became a cultural icon thanks to revered performances in a wide range of classic films, ...
Al Pacino - Wikipedia › wiki › Al_Pacino
Pacino directed and starred in Chinese Coffee (2000), Wilde Salomé (2011), and Salomé (2013). Since 1994, he has been the joint president of the Actors Studio . Contents 1 Early life 2 Stage career 3 Screen career 3.1 1970s 3.2 1980s 3.3 1990s 3.4 2000s 3.5 2010s 3.6 2020s 4 Personal life 5 Awards and nominations 6 Filmography 7 Explanatory notes