Rockport Harbormaster - AIS Map › AISThe International Maritime Organization's (IMO) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea requires AIS to be fitted aboard international voyaging ships with gross tonnage (GT) of 300 or more tons, and all passenger ships regardless of size. Notice: Vessel positions may be up to one hour old or incomplete. Data is provided for informational reasons only and is not related by any means to the safety of navigation.
Boatnerd › mapJun 28, 2011 · The data shown on these maps is a few minutes up to an hour old depending on the station and delay in updates. AIS requires speed, position and course information to be broadcast every 2 to 10 seconds while underway and every 3 minutes while docked. Other information, such as ship size and destination, is to be broadcast every 6 minutes.
AIS Map. Ship Marine Traffic. Live AIS Traffic. - Ships Now
shipsnow.comIt is difficult to determine the maximum coverage area, but it can be imagined in this example: a vessel with an AIS transmitter connected to an external antenna located at a height of 15 meters above sea level will be able to exchange a signal with the coastal AIS station at a distance of 15-20 nautical miles (approximately 28-38 km).
List of AIS maps - Ships Now › mapsList of AIS maps List of AIS maps Can't find a map? Please do send us a message and we will gladly add one for you! 35 Hand-picked Regional Maps Aegean Sea Africa (East) Africa (South) Africa (West) Arabian Sea Asia (South) Atlantic Ocean (North) Atlantic Ocean (South) Australia Baltic Sea Bay of Bengal Black Sea Canada (East Coast)
BoatNerd Ais
https://ais.boatnerd.comIf you would like to use the old map please visit ... a supplementary box shows up listing the: ship name, MMSI, ship type, ...