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air force strategic language list 2022

2022 Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) Application and ... › Portals › 10
performance. The AFCLC develops an order of merit list based on each individual's board score and potential to fill future language requirements, including Language-Designated Positions and low-density languages on the Air Force Strategic Language List (SLL). The AFCLC assigns each LEAP Scholar a "Selected" or Control
DoD Instruction 1340.27, "Military Foreign Language Skill ... › Portals › issuances › dodi
FLPB awards increase strategic foreign language and dialect ... of the National Guard who is not a Reserve of the Army or the Air Force,.
AFCLC Application Info - Air University
The Air Force Culture and Language Center (AFCLC) provides flexible scheduling for all courses, working around the LEAP scholar’s schedule, training, and mission needs. The AFCLC …
Strategic Language List - Immediate and Emerging : r ... - reddit › r › AirForceRecruits
The list is constantly changing based on strategic needs of the DOD. You can generally assume that any language from a country we have conflict with and isn't widely spoken by Americans will be on the list. Arabic and its dialects, Farsi, Russian, Korean, Chinese. Should all be on there. Stuff like Urdu, Pashto, might not be.
The Secretaries of the Military Departments, through the above authorities, may pay a Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) to eligible Service members with certified (tested) high …
Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus - DLNSEO › content › flpb
The legislative authority for the Department to pay a Foreign Language ... for foreign languages identified on both the DoD Strategic Language List (SLL) ...
Navy Strategic Language List - Public Intelligence › USNavy-Strate...
The intent of the Navy SLL is to inform the Navy total force of Navy's foreign language requirements. The list is used to shape foreign language capability and ...
Strategic Language List - Immediate and ……
The list is constantly changing based on strategic needs of the DOD. You can generally assume that any language from a country we have conflict with and isn't widely spoken by Americans will be on the list. …
Language Enabled Airman Program ……
Selection to LEAP is based on applicants’ academic history and job performance, existing language proficiency, potential to achieve higher levels of language proficiency, and Air Force …
FACT SHEET - Air University › Portals › 10
LEAP is an Air Force Culture and Language Center (AFCLC) volunteer program open to Regular Air Force and Space Force officer and enlisted service members in most career fields. LEAP sustains and enhances the existing foreign language skills of service members. The objective of LEAP is to develop language-enabled, cross-cultural scholars who can operate seamlessly with partner nation military forces and civilians around the world.
AFCLC Resources - Air University › AFCLC › Resources
International Agencies and U.S. Governmental and Law Enforcement Agencies. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property. The Blue Shield International Network – the protective emblem specified in the 1954 Hague Convention for marking cultural sites to give them protection from attack in the event of armed conflict.
afi36-4005.pdf - Air Force › publication › afi...
Coordinates and consolidates input on the AF Strategic Language List (SLL). 2.5.6. Coordinates with AF/A1C and AFPC to develop procedural ...
AFCLC Language Studies - Air University
LEAP is a volunteer program open to Active Duty officer and enlisted Airmen & select Reserve officers in most Air Force Specialty Codes. LEAP deliberately develops language enabled, …
AFCLC Language Studies - Air University › AFCLC › Language-Studies
The Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) is an Air Force Culture and Language Center (AFCLC) managed, volunteer program open to Active Duty officer and enlisted Airmen and Guardians in most career fields. LEAP deliberately develops language enabled, cross-cultural service members across the General Purpose Force (GPF) with working-level foreign language proficiency.
AFCLC Application Info - Air University › AFCLC › Language-Studies
The Air Force SLL dated 1 July 2015 describes languages in which the Air Force has requirements authorized in out-years and strategic languages of interest. The Air Force SLL is based on the Department of Defense SLL and is expanded to align with validated Air Force requirements. The Air Force SLL is For Official Use Only (FOUO) and may be obtained from one's Test Control Officer at each installation’s education office.
AFCLC Resources - Air University › Res...
Air Force Language, Regional Expertise and Culture Office (AF/A1D-LREC) ... China and Russia's Involvement in the Arctic Report_v04 - 19 May 2022.
2012 Air Force Strategic Language List | Moody FSS › uploads › 2015/10 › 2012...
The Air Force Strategic Language List (AF SLL) describes languages in which the Air Force has requirements authorized now and in out-years and strategic ...
2012 Air Force Strategic Language List Applicable To: Total Force…
*Prevalent (formerly Dominant) in the Force (PIF): PIF languages are those identified on the AF SLL as having sufficient capacity in the force to meet documented AF requirements. Foreign …
2022 Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP ... - Air University…
The annual selection target for officers, enlisted, and cadets is 400 LEAP Scholars based on Air Force Senior Language Authority (SLA) guidance. The LEAP Selection Board consists of …
Defense Finance and Accounting Service › ... › Pay Tables
Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus Installment Rates (FLPB) (Note 1) ... (DoD) Strategic Language List (SLL) Languages or Dialects (note 4).
Defense Finance and Accounting Service > MilitaryMembers ...
The Secretary must pay Immediate and Emerging DoD SLL category languages (at ILR skill level 2/2 and above). The Secretary may pay FLPB at the Category B scale to …
Air Force Strategic Language List 2022 Courses
8 & 16 Week Courses Flexible Class Schedules. Courses Details: AdPart of American Public University System, accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.Ready to Get Started? …
Department of the Army Strategic Language List for General ... › asset
w CLANG per refersncei1 (ti). 7. Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) will b~ paid according .to Chapter4of. AF{ 11-6, Army:Porelgn ...
Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 19 › fmr › current
Space Force in accordance with Public Law 116-92, section ... dialects identified on the DoD Strategic Language List (SLL) in the Immediate and Emerging.
Language Enabled Airman Program accepting cadet ... - Air Force › News › Article-Display
Jan 11, 2021 · To become a LEAP scholar, Airmen must demonstrate some level of proficiency in a foreign language specified on the Air Force Strategic Language List, receive endorsement from their detachment commander for AFROTC or air officer commanding for U.S. Air Force Academy, and compete via a board process.
AFCLC Resources - Air University
Air Force Culture and Language Center; Air Force Negotiation Center; USAF Center for Strategic Deterrence Studies; USAF Center for Strategic Leadership Communication; USAF Center for Strategy and Technology; Air Force Institute of Technology; Publications. Air University Press; Æther - Æther Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower
Current list of Cat A DoD SLL languages for bonus pay? - Reddit › comments
The Air Force Strategic Language List (AF SLL) describes languages in which the Air Force has requirements authorized now and in out-years ...