Kontakt oss - Aimo Park Norge
www.aimopark.no › nb-no › kontakt-ossAimo Park Norway AS Org.nr.: 946 359 106 MVA. Postadresse Postboks 6514, Etterstad, NO-0606 Oslo. Besøksadresse Ole Deviks vei 6C, NO-0666 Oslo . T. +47 21 00 76 70 . Du kan enkelt sende oss en en henvendelse ved å fylle ut og sende inn et skjema. Dersom du har en generell kundehenvendelse, trykk her
Aimo Park - Home
https://www.aimopark.fi/en-gbParking control for private properties. Aimo Park’s contractual partners include several of Finland’s largest property owners and shopping centres. The services are also used by parking …
Aimo Park - Home
www.aimopark.fi › en-gbThe Port of Helsinki is developing its parking operations and further strenghtens ability to serve passengers together with Aimo Park Finland Oy from August 2020 onwards. The Japanese company Sumitomo Corporation has acquired Q-Park in Sweden, Norway and Finland. As a result, Q-Park will change its name to Aimo Park.
Om Aimo Park
www.aimopark.se › en-gb › om-aimo-parkPartnering with Aimo Park. As your partner in parking, we will enhance the quality and maximise the revenue of your parking facility. We take full responsibility over the parking, letting you focus on your business. QUESTIONS & OFFER.
Om Aimo Park Sweden
www.aimopark.se › en-gb › om-aimo-parkAimo Park delivers quality, based on the pillars of convenience, reliability and hospitality. Quality according to Aimo Park Aimo Park in Sweden Aimo Park is the leading parking business in Sweden, with approximately 300 000 parking spaces divided on 1 600 parking facilities across the country. More about Aimo Park in Sweden Contact Us
Aimo Park Etusivu
www.aimopark.fi › fi-fiHelsingin Kannelmäessä sijaitseva kauppakeskus Kaari on koko perheen ostospaikka, jonka yli 80 liikkeen joukkoon mahtuu päivittäistavarakauppoja, ketjuliikkeitä, erikoisliikkeitä ja ravintolamaailma. Taskuparkki -sovelluksella 2 tuntia ilmaista pysäköintiä Telakkaparkissa! Kampanja-aika 2.-15.5.2022.
Aimo Park Etusivu
https://www.aimopark.fiAimo Park omistaa ja operoi pysäköintilaitoksia sekä valvoo kiinteistöjen pysäköintialueita suurimmissa kaupungeissa Suomessa. Meillä on ammattitaitoinen ja ...