Welcome to Afford-A-Vet Animal Clinic | Kent Animal Hospital
affordavetac.comWelcome to Our Kent Animal Hospital. Afford-A-Vet Animal Clinic is a veterinary clinic that offers comprehensive medical services for cats and dogs in Kent and the surrounding areas. From preventive care such as routine exams to geriatric services and surgery, our varied service offering can meet many of your pet's medical needs in one place.
Veterinarians Near Me - Veterinarians.org
www.veterinarians.org › vets-near-meA veterinarian of orthopedics or an orthopedic surgeon is one who is trained to perform specialized bone, joint, and ligament-based surgeries on pets. A veterinarian orthopedic surgeon may practice on dogs, cats, horses, and even large animals. They often perform surgeries such as: Arthroscopic knee surgery Repairing bone fractures