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admitted into or admitted to

Is it “he was admitted to/in/at the hospital”? - Quora › Is-it-he-was-admitted-to-in-at-th...
he was admitted to the hospital” (as a patient). “In” and “at” will be correctly used in other cases. “At” can be used to locate a person: “he is at the ...
Admitted into - Idioms by The Free Dictionary › ...
1. To allow something to be used as evidence in a trial. In this usage, "into" is always followed by "evidence." The prosecuting ...
admit verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes › ...
Definition of admit verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and ...
"admit to" or "admit" - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
The thing admitted [to] must be a noun (note that gerunds are "verb forms functioning as nouns"), so there's no role for an infinitive verb form here. 1 I've now realised the …
Get admission in/to/into a college | WordReference Forums
(You can be admitted to many colleges. It just means that they have accepted your application. You have to go to college to be educated.) You mean that getting …
Admitted In, At or To Hospital? Which is the correct preposition? › admitte...
The correct preposition is “admitted to” because you are completing an action. Being admitted somewhere is an action, which means that it requires a preposition ...
Prepositions after "admit": admit to, in, into, as or at?
In 72% of cases admit to is used. I admit to an irrational bigotry. Be courteous, but admit to nothing. He is wrong and he admitted to it. I admit to having done little research on the issue …
Admitted vs. Accepted – Difference Explained (+Examples)
To accept someone means to approve or recognize it. If you get accepted into the university, you have been approved and recognized as a student. But, if you get admitted into the university, …
Admission to or Admission into? : The B-School Application › forum › gram...
'admission to' would be more appropriate for what you're trying to say. 'admission into Harvard' suggests you're seeking to physically enter the ...
Is It Admitted To Or Admitted Into? - CLJ › is-it-admitted-to-or
May 31, 2022 · The correct preposition is “admitted to” because you are completing an action. Being admitted somewhere is an action, which means that it requires a preposition influencing action. Is it admission into or to? The correct preposition for “admission” meaning to enter into, is “to”. An example is “He was admitted to hospital”.
Get admission in/to/into a college | WordReference Forums › threads › get-admission-in
Sep 10, 2020 · (You can be admitted to many colleges. It just means that they have accepted your application. You have to go to college to be educated.) You mean that getting admission is the first step, and going to it is the next. A person can't go to college unless they have got admission? Myridon Senior Member Texas English - US Sep 10, 2020 #7
prepositions - Admission in or to the engineering college ... › questions › 69040
Here, the word "to" applies to "admission". (*?) Rina was trying for admission into the engineering college. This is perhaps a little dubious, although is completely fine when spoken rather than written. One is "admitted into" a collective or a place, but is "admitted to" a position, and it's the position which you want here.
Is It Admitted To Or Admitted Into? - CLJ
The correct preposition is “admitted to” because you are completing an action. Being admitted somewhere is an action, which means that it requires a preposition influencing …
Grammar: Admission to or Admission into? : The B-School …
Many top-ranked business schools offer deferred MBA admission to seniors in college or master's students in their final year of study. With deadlines looming, this is the right …
Difference between "admit" and "accept" - English …
They can both mean the same thing but "admitted" is usually paired with "to": She has been admitted to York University. "Accepted" can work with many different prepositions but in this …
Admit to Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › admit to
admitted to; admitting to; admits to : to admit (something) : to acknowledge the truth or existence of (something) He reluctantly admitted to knowing her. He admitted to his guilt. Dictionary Entries Near admit to admittee admit to admix See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style “Admit to.”
admitted to/into the hospital - WordReference Forums › ... › English Only
Admitted to a place is correct. To admit into usually has the meaning of 'to be granted membership of/to a formal society': "With his ability to ...
prepositions - Admission in or to the engineering college
Here, the word "to" applies to "admission". (*?) Rina was trying for admission into the engineering college. This is perhaps a little dubious, although is completely fine when spoken …
Admitted In, At or To Hospital? Which is the correct …
The correct preposition is “admitted to” because you are completing an action. Being admitted somewhere is an action, which means that it requires a preposition influencing action. Out of …
Correct Preposition (To / Into / At) With The Words "Admit" And ... › post
'at' is not correct in either of the sentences. The common preposition is 'to' for both of them. The 'in' part in 'into' is redundant as it ...
Be Accepted To or Be Accepted Into - Which Is Correct?
Both “be accepted to” and “be accepted into” are correct. They are both used when the speaker means to say that they have been admitted into something (usually a program/school/degree) that they have previously applied for. They can be used interchangeably in sentences. “Be …
Prepositions after "admit": admit to, in, into, as or at? › admit-to-in-into...
Prepositions after "admit" · In 72% of cases admit to is used · In 8% of cases admit in is used · In 3% of cases admit into is used · In 2% of cases admit as is ...
prepositions - "admit to" or "admit" - English Language ... › questions › 82135
Feb 22, 2016 · The thing admitted [to] must be a noun (note that gerunds are "verb forms functioning as nouns"), so there's no role for an infinitive verb form here. 1 I've now realised the particular text I chose for my chart rather overstates the shift - but this and this both show even more clearly what a "recent and upcoming" usage the preposition represents.
admitted IN or AT a hospital | The Grammar Exchange › ...
Dear teachers, Is the following sentence correct? Can I use AT in the following sentence instead of IN ? He is admitted IN THE City Hospital ...