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admitted by meaning

ADMIT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary › admit
to agree that something is true, especially unwillingly: He admitted his guilt/mistake. [ + (that) ] She admitted ( ...
Admit Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › admit
admitted; admitting transitive verb 1 : to concede as true or valid : make an admission of 2 : to allow to be entered or offered admitted the document into evidence admit a will to probate intransitive verb : to make acknowledgment used with to admits to the murder More from Merriam-Webster on admit Nglish: Translation of admit for Spanish Speakers
Accepted Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Verkko: regarded favorably : given approval or acceptance a fully accepted member of the group especially : generally approved or used an accepted convention/practice a widely …
Admitted - definition of admitted by The Free Dictionary
Verkko1. a. To grant to be real, valid, or true; acknowledge or concede: Even proponents of the technology admit that it doesn't always work as well as it should. b. To disclose or …
Admitted - definition of admitted by The Free Dictionary › admitted
1. a. To grant to be real, valid, or true; acknowledge or concede: Even proponents of the technology admit that it doesn't always work as well as it should. b. To disclose or confess (guilt or an error, for example). See Synonyms at acknowledge. 2. To afford opportunity for; permit: We must admit no delay in the proceedings. 3. a.
ACCEPTED | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
VerkkoMeaning of accepted in English accepted adjective uk / əkˈsep.tɪd / us / əkˈsep.tɪd / C1 generally agreed to be satisfactory or right: "Speed bump " now seems to be the …
Admit to Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › a...
The meaning of ADMIT TO is to admit (something) : to acknowledge the truth or existence of (something). How to use admit to in a sentence.
I was admitted by/ to/ at the university? | WordReference Forums
I got/gained a place at one of the world's best universities before I was old enough to get/be admitted to night clubs. I earned a place/a scholarship to a top …
ADMITTEDLY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
VerkkoMeaning of admittedly in English admittedly adverb uk / ədˈmɪt.ɪ / us / ədˈmɪt̬.ɪ / B2 used when you are agreeing that something is true, especially unwillingly: Admittedly, I …
Admit Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Verkkoadmitted; admitting transitive verb 1 : to concede as true or valid : make an admission of 2 : to allow to be entered or offered admitted the document into evidence admit a will to …
101 Synonyms & Antonyms of ADMITTED - Merriam-Webster › thesaurus › admitted
1 as in confessed to accept the truth or existence of (something) usually reluctantly the host of the talk show eventually admitted that she hadn't actually read the book you can't bring yourself to admit your mistakes Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance confessed acknowledged conceded agreed announced revealed recognized disclosed told confirmed
Admit Definition & Meaning | › admitted
admit ; to allow to enter; grant or afford entrance to: to admit a student to college. ; to give right or means of entrance to: This ticket admits two people. ; to ...
ADMITTED | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
VerkkoThese admissions were for 226 individuals (117 males, 109 females) with 37 people admitted more than once during the study period. From the Cambridge English …
Admit definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary › a...
admit in American English ; 1. to permit to enter or use; let in ; 3. to allow; leave room for ; 6. to acknowledge or confess.
ADMITTED | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary › dictionary › english
These admissions were for 226 individuals (117 males, 109 females) with 37 people admitted more than once during the study period. From the Cambridge English Corpus The asylum admitted patients with behavioural disturbances consequent on imbecility, dementia and organic disorders in addition to what would now be considered functional mental illnesses.
admit | LDOCE - Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English › admit
admit meaning, definition, what is admit: to agree unwillingly that something is t...: Learn more.
ADMIT (verb) definition and synonyms - Macmillan Dictionary › ...
Definition of ADMIT (verb): agree that something is true; take someone into hospital for treatment; allow someone to enter a place; allow evidence ...
Admit Definition & Meaning | › browse › admit
verb (used with object), ad·mit·ted, ad·mit·ting. to allow to enter; grant or afford entrance to: to admit a student to college. to give right or means of entrance to: This ticket admits two people. to permit to exercise a certain function or privilege: admitted to the bar. to permit; allow. verb (used without object), ad·mit·ted, ad·mit·ting.
ADMIT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Verkkoto agree that something is true, especially unwillingly: He admitted his guilt / mistake. [ + (that) ] She admitted (that) she had made a mistake. [ + -ing verb ] She admitted mak ing a mistake. At first he denied stealing the money but he later admitted (to) it. I wasn't …
Accepted - definition of accepted by The Free Dictionary
Verkkoaccept ( əkˈsept) verb 1. to take (something offered). He accepted the gift. aceptar 2. to believe in, agree to or acknowledge. We accept your account of what happened; Their …
Admit - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - › admit
Besides meaning "confess," admit can also mean "let in," like a theater ticket that says "ADMIT ONE." If you admit that you have a bag of popcorn hidden in ...
ADMITTED | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Verkkoadmitted He admitted he did not positively identify his targets, as he had been trained to do. From Huffington Post The study had its limitations, the researcher admitted. From …
Admitted Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary › ad...
Admitted Definition · Admitted is defined as to have been given access. Someone who is let in at the door of an exclusive club is an example of someone who has ...
admit verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes › ...
Definition of admit verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and ...