Aboa Vetus Ars Nova | Arkeologian ja nykytaiteen museo
avan.fiApr 17, 2023 · Aboa Vetus Ars Nova on arkeologian ja nykytaiteen museo keskellä Turkua. Suomen ainoa arkeologinen museo kutsuu maan alta esiin kaivettuun vanhaan Turkuun. Museon taidenäyttelyt esittelevät ajankohtaisia nykytaiteilijoita sekä museon taidekokoelmaa.
Aboa Vetus Ars Nova
avan.fi › enAboa Vetus, the only archaeological museum in Finland, is a town quarter discovered underground. The ruin area of Aboa Vetus includes the remains of medieval houses. The Convent Riverfront, one of medieval Turku’s main streets, still runs through the museum area today. Exhibitions.
Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Aboa_Vetus_&_Ars_NovaAboa Vetus and Ars Nova is a museum in central Turku, Finland. The museum is housed in a building known as the Rettig palace, originally built in 1928. Aboa Vetus displays portions of the city dating back to medieval times, while Ars Nova is a museum of contemporary art . The museum was first opened in 1995 as two independent museums.
Aboa Vetus Ars Nova
https://avan.fi/enVerkkoAboa Vetus, the only archaeological museum in Finland, is a town quarter discovered underground. The ruin area of Aboa Vetus includes the remains of medieval houses. The Convent Riverfront, one of …