Aava – Ajanvaraus
https://asiointi.aava.fi/fi/ajanvarausVerkkoYksityisasiakas. Työterveysasiakas. Mikäli epäilet tai sinulla on todettu koronavirustartunta (viimeisen 7 vuorokauden aikana), varaathan etävastaanottoajan tai kysy neuvoa asiakaspalvelustamme p. 010 380 3838. Suosittelemme kasvomaskin käyttöä toimipisteissä asioidessasi.
Aava Medical Center - h l
h-l.fi › projects › aava-medical-centerAava Medical Center. Aava Kamppi is a full service medical centre spanning seven floors in two existing adjoining buildings in the center of Helsinki. The program consisted of occupational health services, laboratory and imaging services, extended day surgery, gynecological clinic, gastroenterology clinic as well as a Pikkujätti medical centre ...
Services | Lääkärikeskus Aava
https://www.aava.fi/enVerkkoCardiology. Child and young people’s health. Covid – tests and services. Dermatology. Gastroenterology. General practice and emergency care. Immunisations. Internal medicine and endocrinology. Laboratory.
Aava Helsinki Kamppi | Aava Medical Centre
www.aava.fi › en › locationsWelcome to Aava Kamppi in Helsinki. Aava Kamppi is a full service medical centre providing an extremely extensive range of specialised medical services, occupational health services and hospital services. Aava Kamppi also offers laboratory and imaging services and extended day surgery.