WAM Turku City Art Museum | Wäinö Aaltosen museo
www.wam.fi › en › wamA new exhibition opens in June in WAM’s cafe. In the exhibition Home of a Hundred Artists, there are works of eleven artists who have worked in the Parrantie atelier houses in Turku. The atelier houses have served as homes and workspaces for local artists for more than 50 years. However, this summer the houses will be demolished.
Wäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Wäinö_Aaltonen_Museum_of_ArtWäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art or WAM for short, is an art museum in central Turku, Finland dedicated especially to modern art. The museum is located on the east bank of the Aura River. The permanent exhibition is based on the art collection of the City of Turku, which includes a large collection of works by Finnish artist and sculptor Wäinö Aaltonen. Temporary exhibitions focus on Finnish and international modern art.
Kaupungin museot | Turku.fi
https://www.turku.fi/museoVerkkoTurun museokeskus tarjoaa kesätöitä erilaisissa yleisötyötehtävissä kuten oppaana tai työnesittelijänä sekä museovalvojan ja alueenhoidon tehtävissä. Kevään 2023 työpajat ja kurssit Mielenkiintoisia työpajoja ja …
Museot | Turku.fi
www.turku.fi › palvelut › museotKaupungin museot ovat: Turun linna Wäinö Aaltosen museo Luostarinmäen käsityöläismuseo Apteekkimuseo ja Qwenselin talo Biologinen museo Kuralan Kylämäki Turun kaupunki omistaa ja ylläpitää kuusi museota eri puolella kaupunkia.
Wäinö Aaltonen | Wäinö Aaltosen museo
www.wam.fi › en › waino-aaltonen-museum-artAaltonen made several public sculptures of great national value, including the figures in the House of Parliament in the 1930's. The cityscape of Turku is embellished with a total of 11 outdoor sculptures by the artist. In Runeberg Park stands Turun Lilja (Lily of Turku). Opposite is Paavo Nurmen patsas (Statue of Paavo Nurmi). Aaltonen was a romantic artist whose paintings and sculptures often were of idealised nature and included Cubist features.