Open University course list | Aalto University › en › open-university-course-listYou can search for courses for instance according to field, topic, term, or implementation method. Spring 2023 course information is published mainly by the end of October and course registrations will start on 29th of November by earliest. Please read the quick guide for studying at the Open University. The course menu allows you to filter out courses suitable for Open University route studies in business or technology.
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MyCourses: MyCourses - Aalto › my13 000 euroa opiskelijoiden hyvinvointiin – äänestä parasta ideaa | 13 000 euro till de studerandes välbefinnande – rösta på den bästa idén | 13 000 euros to the students' wellbeing – vote for the best idea. Sukupuolentutkimuksen verkosto Hilman kurssitarjonta keväällä 2023 | Hilma – nätverket för genusforskning undervisning vårtermin 2023 | Hilma, a network for gender studies, course offering spring 2023.
MyCourses - Aalto
mycourses.aalto.fi100 years since the first professors of business administration started their work. Embodying quantum phenomenon, outdoor artwork Quantum Moss invites to take a break. Aalto University Summer School courses for 2023 have been launched. Entrepreneurship programme brought sustainability alongside productivity.
Home - Aalto courses › coursesWelcome to the new This catalogue contains active degree-level teaching of Aalto University. For course offerings without active teaching, and for historical data, please use the SISU course search. Home - Aalto courses Schools School of ELEC School of SCI School of CHEM School of ENG School of ARTS School of BIZ
https://aalto.fi19.9.2022 · Tutustu Aalto-yliopiston jatkuvan oppimisen ratkaisuihin – yksittäisistä kursseista kokonaisiin tutkintoihin. Avoin yliopisto mahdollistaa opintoihin osallistumisen kaikille Aalto-yliopiston tieteenaloista ja opetuksesta …