How to use this A2 English practice test: 1. Download the Tracktest A2 English Test pdf with answers Print it and start answering the questions. A2 English test with answers Download 2. Listening When you reach the Listening comprehension section (page 12 in the pdf test), listen to the audio samples below and mark the best answers.
English tests allow you to monitor your progress throughout the learning process. They give you a clear idea of your level and the areas where you need to improve most. You can also retake this A2 online English test whenever you want, to continuously measure your progress.
VerkkoThe A1/A2 Placement test consists of 50 questions worth one point each which can help you determine your if you are ready to move to the next level or need to review a few …
English level A2 is the second level of English in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a definition of different language levels written by ...
VerkkoA2 Reading Tests Reading » A2 Reading Tests Three popular inventions from the 1920s – A2 English reading test A really popular summer festival in the UK – A2 English reading …
VerkkoPresent and past simple passive: 'be' + past participle Used to, didn't use to – past habits and states Might, might not – possibility Prepositions of movement – along, across, over, …
A2 Key Exam Practice (KET) for the Cambridge English Key English Test (KET). It is targeted at a pre-intermediate level (A2 Level of English) on the CEFR scale. What can students do at a A2 English Level? Reaching this level means that a person can use English to communicate in simple situations. What can candidates do at an A2 English Level?
VerkkoA2 English test 3 – Text with multiple choice gaps. A2 English test 4 – multiple choice questions. A2 English test 5 – Text with multiple-choice gaps. A2 English test 6 – …
VerkkoYou can test your English skills from easy to harder ones. Take Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced Level tests (A1, A2, B1, B2, …
VerkkoTest Your English Discover your level of English with our quick, free online test Explore the next steps on your English language journey. Prove your knowledge, work towards an …
VerkkoA2 Pre-Intermediate You can communicate in a simple way and perform routine tasks. B1 Intermediate You can understand and use sentences on familiar or personally interesting …
VerkkoEnglish tests allow you to monitor your progress throughout the learning process. They give you a clear idea of your level and the areas where you need to improve most. You …
VerkkoLevel Test Pre Intermediate A2 Please choose one option for each question then click Test Result to obtain your result and level (39 questions) A. Choose the correct option 1. A. …
Present and past simple passive: 'be' + past participle Used to, didn't use to – past habits and states Might, might not – possibility Prepositions of movement – along, across, over, etc. So, neither – so am I, neither do I, etc. Review of all pre-intermediate verb tenses (CEFR A2) Past perfect Reported speech – indirect speech
A2 Pre-Intermediate You can communicate in a simple way and perform routine tasks. B1 Intermediate You can understand and use sentences on familiar or personally interesting topics encountered in work, school or travel. B2 Upper-Intermediate You can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity with native speakers. C1 Advanced
The A2 proficiency level (Elementary English) is the second of six reference levels defined by CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).