Studio Talk
studiotalk.coStudio Talk is a couple that focuses on helping artists and managers build their careers via our weekly newsletter and online course. Monday Morning Manager is a weekly newsletter that provides inspiration and proven strategies from the world’s most successful creators to help you produce, promote, and profit from your music. Sign up HERE.
www.thestudiotalk.comStudioTalk, a front-running PR and Media Strategy company is the brainchild of two pioneering journalists - Mahrukh Inayet and Vikram Sawant. Between them, Vikram Sawant and Mahrukh Inayet have almost half a century of extensive experience in the Print, Radio and Television space not only in India but also the US.
A-studio: Talk | A-studio | Yle Areena › 1-3760240Mar 02, 2017 · A-studio: Talk 53 min Kelan ruuhkat. Vieraina Kelan pääjohtaja Elli Aaltonen, sosiaaliohjaaja Saana Hakola sekä kansanedustajat Annika Saarikko (Kesk.) ja Aino-Kaisa Pekonen (Vas.). Juontajana Sari Huovinen. #yleastudio julkaistu to 2.3.2017poistui 1.4.2017 katselukerrat 4047 Näytä lisää Jaa ohjelma Lisää suosikiksi