A. Le Coq
www.alecoq.ee › enA. Le Coq. A. Le Coq is the oldest and biggest drinks manufacturer in Estonia. Our product portfolio includes 11 different product groups. The main product group is beers, followed by juices, waters and soft drinks, and the remaining product groups such as ciders, light alcoholic beverages, Active juice drinks, sports and energy drinks, syrups and kvass.
Contact Details and Location - A. Le Coq
www.alecoq.ee › en › a-le-coqAS A. Le Coq Commercial Register code 10034247, EORI number EE10034247 VAT registration number: EE100016622 Excise warehousekeeper’s number: EE1A000430002 Bank account number: SEB Bank EE051010102000429003 / Nordea Bank EE131700017000140296 Brewery in Tartu Laulupeo pst 15, 50050 Tartu, Estonia Telephone: (+372) 744 9711 Fax: (+372) 744 9775 View in GoogleMaps Logistics Centre Palsa tee 1 ...
Beer Museum - A. Le Coq
www.alecoq.ee › en › beer-museumThe Beer Museum opened on 1 July 2003 in order to preserve the history of industrial beer brewing. It is located in the malt tower built on the A. Le Coq site in 1898. It exhibits more than 2000 items. The exposition tells the story of beer brewing around the world and in Estonia, from the beer culture of ancient Egypt to the present day.
Beer Museum - A. Le Coq
https://www.alecoq.ee/en/beer-museum/beer-museumTartu was the birthplace of the Estonian beer industry and it has been a beer city for almost a thousand years. The Beer Museum opened on 1 July 2003 in order to preserve the history of industrial beer brewing. It is located in the malt tower built on the A. Le Coq site in 1898. It exhibits more than 2000 items.
A. Le Coq
https://www.alecoq.ee/enA. Le Coq. A. Le Coq is the oldest and biggest drinks manufacturer in Estonia. Our product portfolio includes 11 different product groups. The main product group is beers, followed by juices, waters and soft drinks, and the remaining product groups such as ciders, light alcoholic beverages, Active juice drinks, sports and energy drinks, syrups and kvass.
A. Le Coq
www.alecoq.eeJul 08, 2021 · A. Le Coq on Eesti vanim ja suurim joogitootja, kelle tootevalikust leiab 11 erinevat tootegruppi. Neist suurim on õllede tooteportfell, järgnevad mahl, vesi ja karastusjook ning ülejäänud tootegrupid – siidrid, lahjad alkohoolsed joogid, Active mahlajoogid, spordi- ja energiajoogid, siirupid ning kali. Ettevõte seisab hea Eesti joogikultuuri säilimise ja arendamise eest, hoides au ...
A. Le Coq - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › AA. Le Coq ( Estonian pronunciation: [ˈɑ.le ˈkokˑ]) is an Estonian brewery. The company was founded in 1807 by a Prussian family of the same name, who were descendants of the Huguenots who had fled France in the 17th century. The company was bought in 1997 and is currently owned by Finnish company Olvi.
A. Le Coq - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._Le_CoqA. Le Coq is an Estonian brewery. The company was founded in 1807 by a Prussian family of the same name, who were descendants of the Huguenots who had fled France in the 17th century. The company was bought in 1997 and is currently owned by Finnish company Olvi. It produces many different types of drinks including beers, long drinks, cidersand soft drinks. The best known beer is the A. Le Coq Premium, which is the most popular beer in Estonia, according to the latest AC Nie…