Yersinia enterocolitica - Wikipedia › wiki › Yersinia_enterocoliticaYersinia enterocolitica is a Gram-negative, bacillus -shaped bacterium, belonging to the family Yersiniaceae. It is motile at temperatures of 22–29° C (72–84 °F ), but becomes nonmotile at normal human body temperature. [1] [2] Y. enterocolitica infection causes the disease yersiniosis, which is an animal-borne disease occurring in humans, as well as in a wide array of animals such as cattle, deer, pigs, and birds.
yersinia | Kali Linux Tools › tools › yersiniaNov 24, 2022 · Yersinia is a framework for performing layer 2 attacks. It is designed to take advantage of some weakeness in different network protocols. It pretends to be a solid framework for analyzing and testing the deployed networks and systems. Attacks for the following network protocols are implemented in this particular release:
Reaktiivinen niveltulehdus (reaktiivinen artriitti ... › dlk00071Nov 23, 2022 · Reaktiivisen artriitin käynnistävät tavallisimmin ripulitauteja aiheuttavat yersinia-, kampylo-, salmonella- ja shigellabakteerit (ks. Ruokamyrkytys) sukupuolitaudin aiheuttava klamydia. Muita harvinaisempia infektioita ovat keuhkoklamydia, nielurisojen tulehdus (aiheuttajana streptokokki) ja tippuri (aiheuttajana gonokokki). Noin kolmasosalla potilaista reaktiivisen artriitin laukaiseva infektio jää epäselväksi.
Yersinia enterocolitica (Yersiniosis) | Yersinia | CDC › yersiniaYersiniosis is an infection caused most often by eating raw or undercooked pork contaminated with Yersinia enterocolitica bacteria. CDC estimates Y. enterocolitica causes almost 117,000 illnesses, 640 hospitalizations, and 35 deaths in the United States every year. Children are infected more often than adults, and the infection is more common in the winter.
Yersinia pestis: the Natural History of Plague - PubMed › 33298527Dec 9, 2020 · The Gram-negative bacterium Yersinia pestis is responsible for deadly plague, a zoonotic disease established in stable foci in the Americas, Africa, and Eurasia. Its persistence in the environment relies on the subtle balance between Y. pestis -contaminated soils, burrowing and nonburrowing mammals exhibiting variable degrees of plague susceptibility, and their associated fleas.