YKI test - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › YKI_testYKI (Finnish: Yleinen Kielitutkinto Swedish: Allmän språkexamen English: National Certificate of Language Proficiency) is a certification in the Finnish language, Swedish language and Saami language issued by the University of Jyväskylä and sanctioned by the Finnish Ministry of Education, following a standardized exam comprising oral and written parts that match the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) requirements and proficiency levels.
suomikoulut.fi/ykiVerkkoTervetuloa harjoittelemaan YKI-kokeeseen! Suunnitteletko osallistumista suomen kielen YKI-testin keskitasolle? Tarvitsetko muuten lisäharjoittelua suomen oppimiseen? Alla …
Selecting the right YKI test, the test days | Finnish ...
www.oph.fi › sopivan-yki-testin-valintaYou will get a separate grade for each part of the YKI test, not a general grade for the whole test. When you pass YKI test parts, you can get. grade 1 or 2 at the basic level; grade 3 or 4 at the intermediate level; grade 5 or 6 at the advanced level. The scale of skill levels used in the YKI test corresponds to the language proficiency scale (A1 to C2) of the Common European Framework (CEFR). In YKI tests. basic level grade 1 corresponds to CEFR level A1