In English - YH Kodit Oy › in-englishIn case the final cleaning is neglected, YH Kodit is allowed to invoice the tenant separately according to the amount invoiced by the provider of the cleaning service. All floor surfaces must be vacuumed and washed (laminated floors wiped) Stains on doorways, closets, walls and light switches need to be removed
YH Kodit 🏡 - YH Kodit Oy
www.yhkodit.fiYH KODIT OY TAMPERE. Puh. 010 227 3000. YH KODIT OY TURKU. Puh. 010 227 3700. Puhelun hinta 0102-alkuiseen numeroon 8,35 snt/puhelu + 16,69 snt/min / minuutti (sis ...