Xi Jinping | Biography, Education, Age, Wife, Peng Liyuan ...
www.britannica.com › biography › Xi-JinpingAug 16, 2022 · Xi Jinping, (born June 15?, 1953, Fuping county, Shaanxi province, China), Chinese politician and government official who served as vice president of the People’s Republic of China (2008–13), general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP; 2012– ), and president of China (2013– ). Early life
Xi Jinping – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xi_JinpingXi Jinping (/ˈʃiː tʃinˈpiŋ/; yksink.: 习近平; perint.: 習近平; pinyin: Xí Jìnpíng, [ɕǐ tɕîn pʰǐŋ]; s. 15. kesäkuuta 1953) on Kiinan kommunistisen puolueen pääsihteeri, Kiinan presidentti ja keskussotilaskomission puheenjohtaja. Xi on pyrkinyt hallituskaudellaan keskittämään valtaa itselleen ja taistelemaan … Näytä lisää
Xi Jinping - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xi_JinpingXi Jinping is a Chinese politician who has been serving as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) since 2012, and president of the People's Republic of China (PRC) since 2013. Xi has been the paramount leader of China, the most prominent political leader in the People's Republic of China, since 2012.
Xi Jinping - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Xi_JinpingXi Jinping was born in Beijing on 15 June 1953, the second son of Xi Zhongxun and his wife Qi Xin. After the founding of the PRC in 1949, Xi's father held a series of posts, including Party propaganda chief, vice-premier, and vice chairperson of the National People's Congress. [3]
Xi Jinping | Biography, Education, Age, Wife, Peng Liyuan ...
https://www.britannica.com › biographyXi Jinping, (born June 15?, 1953, Fuping county, Shaanxi province, China), Chinese politician and government official who served as vice ...