Wrist shot - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Wrist_shotThe wrist shot has several phases: The bottom hand slides down the shaft of the stick and brings the blade behind the back leg (the leg furthest away from... Weight is transferred to the front leg as the arms sweep forward. The puck is then rolled along the blade of the stick, ending with a flick of ...
Wrist shot - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrist_shotA wrist shot is a type of hockey shot that involves using arm muscles (especially those in the wrist and forearm) to propel a puck forward from the concave side of the blade of a hockey stick. Generally, when the puck is shot in a similar manner using the convex side of the blade, it is referred to as a backhand shot. The power of a wrist shot comes from lower body strength more than arm strength. The advantage of a wrist shot over a slap shot is the minimal amount of setup required, creating an …