Facebook - Workplace
sok.workplace.com › legal › WorkplacePlatformPolicyWorkplace Platform Terms By accessing or using the Workplace APIs, including within an Application, you warrant and represent that you are agreeing to these terms (the “Platform Terms”) on behalf of yourself, a company, or other legal entity, as applicable, and that you have full authority to bind such entity to these Platform Terms.
Facebook - sok.workplace.com
sok.workplace.com › legal › FB_Work_PrivacyWorkplace from Meta is an online platform created by Meta that allows users to collaborate and share information at work. The Workplace platform includes the Workplace websites, apps and related online services, together the "Service". This Privacy Policy describes how your information is collected, used and shared when you use the Service.
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https://sworks.sok.fiSworks.sok.fi uses S Group's ext-firstname.lastname@sok.fi accounts. You can manage your login and password settings in https://alku.sworks.fi/. Paina tästä ...
Facebook - Workplace
sok.workplace.com › work › legalApr 5, 2022 · Workplace from Meta is an online platform created by Meta that allows users to collaborate and share information at work. The Workplace platform includes the Workplace websites, apps and related online services, together the "Service". This Privacy Policy describes how your information is collected, used and shared when you use the Service.
sok.workplace.com › about › privacyshieldWorkplace: Workplace is a service that allows people to more effectively collaborate and share information at work. Partners (employers or organizations - the data controllers) may submit personal information about their members to Meta, with Meta Platforms Ireland Limited as the processor and Meta Platforms, Inc. as a sub-processor.
https://sworks.sok.fiVerkkoSworks.sok.fi -kirjautumiseen käytetään S-ryhmän ext-etunimi.sukunimi@sok.fi -käyttäjätunnuksia. Voit muokata käyttäjätunnukseen liittyviä asetuksia, sekä palauttaa …