S-ryhmän työpaikat - S-ryhmä
https://s-ryhma.fi/tyopaikatSOK toimii osuuskauppojen keskusliikkeenä ja tuottaa hankinta-, asiantuntija- ja tukipalveluita. Jäsenet eli asiakasomistajat omistavat osuuskaupat tasasuuruisilla osuuksilla, eikä muita omistajia ole. Olemme osuuskunta, ja äärettömän ylpeitä siitä.
https://www.myworkday.com/3mSign in to your account. Sign in. Email, phone, or Skype. Can’t access your account? You are entering a Private Network. Only approved 3M workers using valid log-in credentials are authorized beyond this point, subject to 3M Policies and contract terms.
SOK and Workday
https://www.workday.com/en-se/pages/sok-and-workday.htmlAt Workday, we value our people, so we know how important your people are to you. They’re at the heart of SOK and key to your future success. Keeping 40,000 people engaged through a pandemic, scaling your business and planning for the future can be tough. We also know how difficult it can be to find the right talent and the challenges of ...