function woo_in_cart ($product_id) { global $woocommerce; foreach ($woocommerce->cart->get_cart () as $key => $val ) { $_product = $val ['data']; if ($product_id == $_product->id ) { return true; } } return false; } And this to use anywhere needed: if (woo_in_cart (123)) { // Product is already in cart }
function woo_in_cart($id){ //check if product is in the cart return in_array($id, array_column(WC()->cart->get_cart(), 'product_id')); } and you can call it. …
Satisfied if the cart does not contain any product on sale. all cart items: Satisfied if the cart contains only products on sale. not all cart items: Satisfied if the cart contains at least one product that is not on sale. Shipping Class: in cart: Satisfied if the cart contains at least one product from a listed shipping class. not in cart ...
Nov 5, 2019 · We’ve covered how to check if product is in the WooCommerce cart and if certain product category is in the cart. In this article we’ll cover how to check if the WooCommerce order contains a product or product category. As a store owner you might want to show specific content to the customer when he orders something.
PHP Snippet: Check if Product Category is inside the Cart – WooCommerce ... wc_print_notice( 'Category Downloads is in the Cart!' , 'notice' );. // Or maybe run ...
VerkkoDescription. The “Conditional Add to Cart” plugin allows you to control the visibility and behavior, as well as customize the appearance and content of the “Add to cart” button …
VerkkoAdd a product to the cart. public add_to_cart (int $product_id [, int $quantity = 1], int $variation_id [, array<string|int, mixed> $variation = array()] [, array<string|int, mixed> …
If you are unfamiliar with code and resolving potential conflicts, ... To display the cart contents and total in your template, use something like: ...
// Yes, the cart has a product with the 'free-shipping' Shipping Class. } else {. // The cart does NOT have a product with the 'free-shipping' Shipping Class. } ...
The following is the function to check if a specific product exists in cart: function woo_in_cart($product_id) { global $woocommerce; foreach($woocommerce->cart->get_cart() as $key => $val ) { $_product = $val['data']; if($product_id == $_product->id ) { return true; } } return false; }