Witted Srl
www.witted.ecoPRECISE BIO-GEOGRAPHY FOR CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION At Witted, we are seekers and technology craftsmen with a green soul at heart. We believe that Digital Transformation of biodiversity management enabled by autonomous and precise data mining through Deep-Techs is the needed key to reach global and local conservation goals.
Witted Srl
https://www.witted.ecowitted BIODIVERSITY IS KEY FOR THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY Biodiversity is the most critical expression of life on Earth. Focusing on biodiversity means comprehending that natural losses …
witted.comWitted exists to be this universal change. We build software capabilities and teams. To prosper in the digital future, winning the competition for talent is paramount. Witted has an exceptional ability to provide companies with the most skilled software talent in the Nordics – we've already won the race for the best talents so you don’t have to.
sijoittajat.witted.com › fi › listautuminenWitted Megacorp Oyj:n listautumisanti on ylimerkitty ja merkintäaika keskeytetty. Witted Megacorp Oyj:n listautumisanti on ylimerkitty yleisöannin, instituutioannin sekä henkilöstöannin osalta, minkä johdosta yhtiön hallitus on päättänyt listautumisannin merkintäajan keskeyttämisestä listautumisannin ehtojen mukaisesti ensimmäisenä mahdollisena ajankohtana 6.5.2022 klo 16.00.
About us – Witted.com
witted.com › about-usWitted Key contact people Harri Sieppi Group CEO harri.sieppi@witted.com Teemu Tiilikainen CFO teemu.tiilikainen@witted.com Henry Lehto Marketing Director +358 50 4616 989 henry.lehto@witted.com Rasmus Sundström Sales, Software Development Consulting, Finland +358504663396 rasmus.sundstrom@witted.com Kennet Jokisalo
Apply now! – Witted.com
witted.com › applyWitted helps freelance software developers and designers to find the projects that match their skills and preferences, all for free. The only thing you need to do is to tell us what you’re looking for in your next project. How it works Interested in a project?
Witted has over 400 ICT professionals ready to build your software capability. Whether you need one experienced person, a team, or project delivery to cover your software development needs, support for developing your recruitment processes and strengthening your employer brand, or a helping hand for recruiting digital professionals and executives, we’ve got you covered.