Wikipedia, die freie Enzyklopädie
https://www.wikipedia.deWikipedia ist ein globales Projekt. Deshalb leisten wir einen substanziellen Beitrag zur Finanzierung der internationalen Aktivitäten für die Weiterentwicklung von Wikipedia. Zudem finanzieren wir auf diese Weise die globale Server-Infrastruktur mit, auf der alle Wikimedia-Projekte – also auch die deutschsprachige Wikipedia – laufen.
www.wikipedia.orgWikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
https://www.wikimedia.orgis a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world. Through various projects, chapters, and the support structure of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia strives to bring about a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.. Welcome to Wikimedia.
Wikipedia on the App Store › us › appExplore your world, find a quick fact, or dive down a Wikipedia rabbit hole with the official Wikipedia app for iOS. With more than 40 million articles across nearly 300 languages, your favorite free online encyclopedia is at your fingertips. Night reading - Appearance controls let you read Wikipedia in comfort, with dark mode, text size ...
Wikipedia - Apps on Google Play › store › appsWikipedia is the encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Articles on Wikipedia are freely licensed and the app code is 100% open source. The heart and soul of Wikipedia is a community of people working to bring you unlimited access to free, reliable and neutral information. 2. No ads Wikipedia is a place to learn, not a place for advertising.
Get Wikipedia - Microsoft Store › en-us › pArticles on Wikipedia are freely licensed and the app code is 100% open source. The heart and soul of Wikipedia is a community of people working to bring you unlimited access to free, reliable and neutral information. 2. No ads Wikipedia is a place to learn, not a place for advertising.
Wikipedia DK
wikipedia.dkWikipedia er ein fleirmælt alfrøði, skrivað av sínum nýtarum. Innihaldið er frítt og verður altíð frítt. Øll kunnu koma við síni vitan her! Wikipedia á føroyskum. Tikilluarit. Wikipedia tassaavoq oqaatsit arlallit atorlugit encyklopædi (leksikoni), atuisunit imminernit allaneqartoq.