which pronoun uk / wɪtʃ / us / wɪtʃ / which pronoun (USED TO REFER) A2 used as the subject or object of a verb to show what thing or things you are referring to, or to add information about …
a matter of time - a nice little earner - age of consent - all that - any one - arabic-speaking - attractant - award-winning - bad - barrel - beauty - belay - birth canal - boiling point - breathing …
which pronoun uk / wɪtʃ / us / wɪtʃ / which pronoun (USED TO REFER) A2 used as the subject or object of a verb to show what thing or things you are referring to, or to add information about …
which pronoun uk / wɪtʃ / us / wɪtʃ / which pronoun (USED TO REFER) A2 used as the subject or object of a verb to show what thing or things you are referring to, or to add information about the thing just mentioned. It is usually used for things, not people: These are principles which we all believe in.
Compartir la traducción ... Lo sentimos,. Pero ahora puedes traducir solo 999 caracteres a la vez. Por favor inicia sesión o regístrate para traducir hasta 5,000 ...
which pron. informal (the fact that) lo que loc prnl. The house is cold, which will be fixed when I light a fire in the stove. Hace frío en la casa, lo que se solucionará cuando encienda la estufa. which pron. (whichever) qué, cuál adj. Which Health Care plan you should choose depends on your payment preference.
which pronoun uk / wɪtʃ / us / wɪtʃ / which pronoun (USED TO REFER) A2 used as the subject or object of a verb to show what thing or things you are referring to, or to add information about the thing just mentioned. It is usually used for things, not people: These are principles which we all believe in.
Which/which one/which ones in direct and indirect questions and after expressions of (un)certainty and doubt (e.g. no sé) usually translate as cuál/cuáles: cuál which do you want? …
What e which são pronomes da língua inglesa que significam que, o que ou qual em inglês. Embora which e what tenham o mesmo significado em praticamente todas as frases onde são …
How are the interrogative pronouns who, whom, whose, which, and what used? ... Read more. English Easy Learning GrammarRelative pronounsWhat type of pronoun are ...
La palabra which se dice exactamente igual que la segunda mitad de sandwich: /uích/. ¡Pero sin contar la w, que es muda! Por lo tanto, nunca digas /güich/ . Error común Aunque en castellano …
which pronoun uk / wɪtʃ / us / wɪtʃ / which pronoun (USED TO REFER) A2 used as the subject or object of a verb to show what thing or things you are referring to, or to add information about …
which a pronoun 1 (in direct and indirect questions, reported speech) Which/which one/which ones in direct and indirect questions and after expressions of (un)certainty and doubt (e.g. no sé) usually translate as cuál/cuáles: cuál which do you want? (offering one) ¿cuál quieres?, (offering two or more) ¿cuáles quieres?
I can never remember which is whichnunca me acuerdo de cuál es cuál. 5. (relative; singular) a. que, el/la cual. 6. (plural) a. que, los/las cuales. the house which is for sale la casa que está en venta. the house, which has been empty for yearsla casa, que lleva años vacía.
formal (this being why) (formale) motivo per cui, ragion per cui, per la quale ragione. He did not attend the hearing, for which reason his appeal was denied. Non si presentò all'udienza, motivo …
a glance which took in A good foundation on which to build a job which involved/involves working - grammar a las que- yo which/what - grammar A law which tackles.... a lens through which a …
definición de which en el diccionario inglés La primera definición de la cual en el diccionario se usa con un nombre al solicitar que su referente se especifique, identifique o distinga más de …