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WRC Wikipedia

Rallin maailmanmestaruussarja - Wikipedia › wiki › Rallin_maailmanmestar...
Vuonna 2011 WRC-autojen moottorikoko pieneni 1,6 litran kokoon aiemmasta 2-litraisesta. Super 2000 -luokan autot ovat 2-litraisia vapaastihengittävällä ...
World Rally Championship - Wikipedia
The World Rally Championship (abbreviated as WRC) is the highest level of global competition in the motorsport discipline of rallying, owned and governed by the FIA. There are separate championships for drivers, co-drivers, manufacturers and teams. The series currently consists of 12 two to three
World Rally Car - Wikipedia › wiki › World_Rally_Car
Citroen Xsara WRC oli Citroënin tehdaskalustona MM-sarjassa vuosina 2001–2006. Subaru Impreza WRC (2005). World Rally Championship eli WRC on ralliautojen ...
World Rally Championship - Wikipedia › wiki › World_Rally_Championship
World Rally Championship Academy (WRC Academy) was an alternative name for JWRC between 2011 and 2012, the first years the championship became a one-make series before reverting to the JWRC name. The World Rally Championship Ladies Cup ran from 1990 to 1995 and could be won by any class of car. Louise Aitken-Walker was the first winner.
MM-rallikausi 2021 - Wikipedia › wiki › MM-rallikausi_2021
49. Kilpailuja, 12. Valmistajia, 3 (WRC). Rengasvalmistaja(t), P Pirelli. Kuljettajien mestari ...
World Rally Championship (pelisarja) - Wikipedia › wiki › World_Rally_Champio...
Viimeisin julkaisu, WRC 7 (2017) ... Tämä artikkeli tai sen osa on käännetty tai siihen on haettu tietoja muunkielisen Wikipedian artikkelista.
2021 World Rally Championship - Wikipedia › wiki › 2021_World_Rally_Championship
The 2021 FIA World Rally Championship was the forty-ninth season of the World Rally Championship, an auto racing competition recognised by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) as the highest class of international rallying. Teams and crews are competing in twelve rallies for the World Rally Championships for Drivers, Co-drivers ...
WRC - Wikipedia › wiki › WRC
WRC may refer to: Contents. 1 Auto racing; 2 Rugby clubs; 3 Video games; 4 Broadcasting stations; 5 Other; 6 See also. Auto racing[edit].
WRC – Wikipedia
WRC voi tarkoittaa ainakin seuraavia asioita: Rallin maailmanmestaruussarja, WRC, englannin sanoista World Rally Championship. World Rally Car, WRC, rallin autoluokka. WRC 3, videopeli. WRC 4, videopeli. World Radiocommunications Conference, Kansainvälisen televiestintäliiton radiokonferenssi. Tämä on täsmennyssivu, joka luettelee ...
WRC - Wikipedia › wiki › WRC
WRC · Rallin maailmanmestaruussarja, WRC, englannin sanoista World Rally Championship · World Rally Car, WRC, rallin autoluokka. · WRC 3, videopeli · WRC 4, ...
WRC 9 - Wikipedia › wiki › WRC_9
WRC 9, also known as WRC 9 FIA World Rally Championship, is the official racing video game of the 2020 World Rally Championship. The game is developed by French developer Kylotonn and published by Nacon. It is available for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, released on 3 September 2020.
Campeonato Mundial de Rally - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El WRC 2, nació en 2010 como Campeonato Mundial Super 2000 y en él compitieron vehículos de la categoría Super 2000. El español Xavi Pons fue el primer ganador. En 2013 fue sustituido por el WRC 2 y en él solo se permiten los vehículos R5, R4, N4 y S2000. [55]
World Rally Championship - Wikipedia › wiki › Worl...
The World Rally Championship (abbreviated as WRC) is the highest level of global competition in the motorsport discipline of rallying, owned and ...
Luokka:WRC-autot - Wikipedia › wiki › Luokka:WRC-autot
Luokka:WRC-autot ... Tässä luokassa on World Rally Car -luokan autoja. Alaluokat. Seuraavat 4 alaluokkaa kuuluvat tähän luokkaan. Alaluokkien kokonaismäärä ...
2021 World Rally Championship - Wikipedia › wiki › 2021...
Toyota Gazoo Racing WRT (Yaris WRC pictured) claimed the manufacturers' title. The 2021 FIA World Rally Championship was the forty-ninth season of the World ...
2021 World Rally Championship - Wikipedia
The 2021 FIA World Rally Championship went underway in Monaco. The Hyundai crew of Ott Tänak and Martin Järveoja took an early lead, but their lead was wiped out when they were compromised by the loss of power in hairpins. The Estonian pair's rally was further hampered by two punctures, which meant that they did not have enough rubber on one of their wheels for the car to be considered roa…