WorkSked — Manage employee work schedules and time offs › enSimple and quick onboarding. Only administrators and managers require accounts — sign in credentials optional for other employees. Duplicate schedules to start quickly. Drag-and-drop interface for editing schedules. Email notifications for upcoming shifts. Self-service for time off requests. Email notifications when time off requests updated.
Savon ammattiopisto
https://sakky.fiVerkkoTarinoita arjesta. Blogeissa on elämänmakuista kerrontaa laidasta laitaan Savon ammattiopiston arjesta. Pääset kurkistamaan, miltä opiskelupäivämme näyttävät ja miten …
Find the right app | Microsoft AppSource › en-us › productWorkseed is a SaaS application for vocational educators to modernize education programs. The solution is targeted to vocational institutes, colleges and universities. Workseed offers an easy way to deploy and manage competency-based education model (includes support for national curriculums). It helps to plan individual learning paths for ...
Digitaalinen Oppimisympäristö | Workseed › web › fiVeli-Matti Anttolainen. Tietohallintopäällikkö, Keuda. Workseed on nopeasti käyttöönotettava ohjelma, mikä muodostui arvokkaaksi etenkin koronakevään aikana. Ohjelma on helpottanut kouluttajiemme arkea verkko-opetustehtävissä, näyttöjen antamisessa sekä osaamisen arvioinneissa, niin työpaikoilla kuin koulussakin. Juri Mynttinen.
Our Team | Workseed › en › our-teamWorkseed’s story began in 2016, when the planned vocational education reform in Finland caused great concerns among Finnish teachers. One vocational college came to us with these concerns. They wanted to make learning and overall degree structure management easier and find a way to visualise the progress of each individual student. With our strong background in ap