Kuopio-Tahko | Happiness comes in waves
www.kuopiotahko.fi › enKuopio-Tahko is a land of contrast. From silent landscapes to buzzing restaurants. From well-slept nights to nights where you forget to sleep at all. From nights under the stars to nights in the comfiest hotels. When you visit Kuopio-Tahko the unknown is where the best memories begin.
Etusivu | Kuopio
https://www.kuopio.fiKuopion kaupunki kannustaa kaikkia osallistumaan talkoisiin muun muassa lainaamalla roskapihtejä kirjastoista ja valtuustotalolta. Lisäksi yhdistykset voivat ...
Kuopio | Visit Finland
fcb.visitfinland.com › en › discoverWelcome to Kuopio Kuopio is Lakeland’s biggest city and a continuously developing centre of education, culture and industry. It’s also the centre of tourism in the area and hosts a broad range of cultural events and other types of entertainment. Where in Finland? Kuopio City facts Population: 120 000