MS Viking XPRS - Wikipedia › wiki › MS_Viking_XPRSMS Viking XPRS is a fast cruiseferry owned by the Finland -based Viking Line and operated on their service between Helsinki, Finland and Tallinn, Estonia. Her keel was laid on 16 April 2007 [8] and launching took place on 19 September 2007. [9] Viking XPRS entered service on 28 April 2008. [2] Contents 1 Concept 1.1 Planned sister ships
Viking XPRS | Viking Line › our-ships › viking-xprsViking XPRS. A modern high-speed ferry takes you to the centre of Tallinn or Helsinki in just 2.5 hours. You can spend this time in a restaurant, a cosy bar or browsing in the shops. Despite the relatively short travel time, you will have time to soak in the atmosphere of a sea voyage and fully enjoy it. You can also choose to book a cabin with your standard seat ticket.
Viking XPRS viihde | Matkapojat › viking-xprs-viihdeVIIHDE VIKING XPRS -LAIVALLA Vuoden 2022 esiintyjiä: (Esiintyjät sitoumuksetta.) LIVENÄ LAIVALLA (lauantait) 12.11. Tommi Läntinen. 19.11. Jukka Poika. 26.11. Kasmir. 3.12. Steve ’n’ Seagulls. 10.12. Virve Rosti& MenneisyydenVangit. Tiistai- ja keskiviikkotanssit Viking XPRS:llä Lähde Päiväristeilylle Tallinnaan Viking XPRS:llä.