Victoria (TV Series 2021– ) - IMDb › title › tt15331666Victoria is a specialist who has developed her own experimental and clandestine device to work. When consulted by other women victims of gender violence, she implements a "treatment" that she carries out through an extreme web therapy in which she confronts the victim with the pe... Read all Stars Alberto Ajaka Emilia Attías Carlos Belloso
Victoria | TV | Areena | Historiallinen draamasarja brittikuningattaresta Draamasarja kuningatar Victorian kasvusta nuoresta tytöstä brittiläisen imperiumin hallitsijaksi. Sarjan 3. kauden jaksot kuvaavat hallitsijan elämää ja uraa vuosina 1848 - 51. Victoria (Jenna Coleman) odottaa kuudetta lastaan ja vastoinkäymisiä riittää sekä kotimaassa että maailmalla.
Victoria (British TV series) - Wikipedia is a British historical television drama series created and principally written by Daisy Goodwin, starring Jenna Coleman as Queen Victoria. The series premiered in the United Kingdom on ITV on 28 August 2016 with eight episodes, and in the United States on PBS on 15 January 2017; PBS supported its production as part of the Masterpieceanthology. The series follows Victoria's early life, including her relationship with her husband Albert and her political responsibilities of t…