Aikataulut - VRähdöt-aikataulupalvelu tarjoaa aikataulut asemakohtaisesti. Palvelun tuottaa Finrail ja tiedot pohjautuvat junien reaaliaikaisiin kulkutietoihin. Helsingin, Espoon, Vantaan, …
National Veterans’ Training Institute - NVTI
www.nvti.orgUse of the links on this page to find training information, resources, and a multitude of other information to assist you with your important mission. This project is funded by Department of Labor Veterans' Employment & Training Service (DOL-VETS) contract number DOL-OPS-16-D-0022.
Front page - Wärtsilä – Zero Emission Marine
www.zemecosystem.comApr 26, 2023 · Zero Emission Marine (ZEM) is a four-year ecosystem project led by Wärtsilä. Our compelling goal is to reach 60% greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction in the maritime by 2030. In addition, all the Wärtsilä Veturi ecosystem products will be carbon-neutral or carbon-negative by 2050.
Veturi program | Nokia › innovation › veturi-programNokia’s Veturi program mission is built on the following three pillars, which together strengthen Finland’s role on research and development: Sustainability and competitiveness : edge computing can significantly improve energy efficiency, data security, and privacy on the digital infrastructure.
Veturi - Wikipedia › wiki › VeturiVeturi Sundararama Murthy (29 January 1936 – 22 May 2010), known mononymously by his surname Veturi, was an Indian poet, lyricist and journalist who is popular for writing Telugu songs. His career in the Telugu cinema spanned more than four decades. He was highly admired and cherished for his deep and thoughtful lyrics in Telugu songs.