Health care coverage options for military veterans › veteransIf you're a veteran enrolled in (or are a beneficiary of) a VA health care program, you may have dependents who aren’t eligible for a VA health care program. They can get coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace ®. Depending on household size and income, they may get lower costs on monthly premiums or out-of-pocket costs.
Veterans Health Administration Veterans Health Administration is America’s largest integrated health care system, providing care at 1,298 health care facilities, including 171 medical centers and 1,113 outpatient sites of care of varying complexity …
Veterans health | USAGov › veterans-healthHow to get veterans health benefits The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers health care to veterans. Find out if you are eligible to receive benefits and how to apply. Veteran disability benefits The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) pays monthly disability benefits to qualifying veterans.
VA Health Care | Veterans Affairs › health-careJan 13, 2022 · With VA health care, you’re covered for regular checkups with your primary care provider and appointments with specialists (like cardiologists, gynecologists, and mental health providers). You can access Veterans health care services like home health and geriatric (elder) care, and you can get medical equipment, prosthetics, and prescriptions.
Veterans Health Library | Veterans Affairs’s New Healthy Recipe Library. Whether you are looking to make a heart healthy dinner or a gluten free side dish, the Veterans Health Library’s new recipe library has something to treat your taste buds. Try making the chicken and mushroom pasta or stuffed peppers. Or learn to make a blueberry banana smoothie for a healthy snack.