Piaggio: Scooter and urban mobility. Official site
www.piaggio.com › us_ENJan 17, 2022 · Discover on Piaggio.com all the models, promotions and news from the world of Piaggio, an Italian icon in the world of scooters and urban mobility. Cookie policy Piaggio uses cookie technology – including from third parties – to provide visitors with the best possible experience when using the website.
Vespa | Piaggio Group
https://www.piaggiogroup.com/en/brands/two-wheelers/vespa6.2.2020 · Vespa. Vespa is the expression of a unique and distinctive lifestyle. The timeless success of Vespa is tied to its extraordinary historic and iconographic wealth. Vespa is the icon for mobility on two wheels in the world. The brand comes with a huge equity and a set of deeply-felt values that are linked to the Italian spirit, “joie de vivre ...
Vespa | Piaggio Group
www.piaggiogroup.com › en › brandsFeb 06, 2020 · Vespa. Vespa is the expression of a unique and distinctive lifestyle. The timeless success of Vespa is tied to its extraordinary historic and iconographic wealth. Vespa is the icon for mobility on two wheels in the world. The brand comes with a huge equity and a set of deeply-felt values that are linked to the Italian spirit, “joie de vivre ...
Vespa – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/VespaVespa (suom. ampiainen) on italialainen Pontederassa toimivan Piaggio & C. S.p.A.:n vuonna 1946 esittelemä skootterimerkki. Yhtiö valmistaa edelleen klassisia monokokkirunkoisia Vespoja, joita on 60 vuoden aikana esitelty yli sata mallia. Ensimmäinen Vespa oli käsivaihteinen kaksitahtinen 98 cm³ moottorilla varustettu Vespa 98, ja viimeisin on 278-kuutioinen nelitahtinenautomaattivaihteinen Vesp…