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Venetian language

The Venetian Language - Truly Venice Apartments › ...
The Venetian Language is also known as 'the language of the sea', partially because of Venice's location on the water, but also due to how words evolved so ...
Venetian language - Wikipedia › wiki › Vene...
Venetian or Venetan is a Romance language spoken natively in the northeast of Italy, mostly in the Veneto region, where most of the five million inhabitants ...
Venetian language, alphabet and pronunciation - Omniglot › writing › venet...
Venetian is a Romance language spoken by about 2 million people mainly in Venice and the surrounding area, and also in Trieste, Croatia, Slovenia, ...
Venetian language in the world – Lingua Veneta › venetian-language-in-the-world
Take into account that in English the word “venetian” refers both to the whole Veneto and to the variety spoken in Venice. On the contrary, usually we normal distinguish vèneto (=”venetan” or general venetian) from venesian (=venetian proper or “venician”). First of all, Venetan is spoken in Veneto (north-east of Italy).
Venetian dialect, the language spoken in - Venice Italy › l...
The Venetian dialect, also called "dialeto del mar" (dialect of the sea), was the official language of the Venetian Republic together with Latin for a ...
Venetian is a language and not a dialect - ICEC Ngo › file › download
Dear friends of ICEC, in this article we will try to explain the difficult situation of the Venetian language starting from the fact that to Italy this ...
Venetian language, alphabet and pronunciation - Omniglot
The language is more closely related to French and Spanish than it is to Italian. When Venice was an independent republic (between the 9th and 18th centuries), the Venetian language enjoyed …
The Venetian Language - Language | Truly Venice Apartments › blog › fashion-and
The Venetian Language is also known as ‘the language of the sea’, partially because of Venice’s location on the water, but also due to how words evolved so that they could be clearly understood from one boat to another. Similarly, this also goes for numerous phrases that also have some relation to the sea or water.
Venetian Language - History › venetian_language › history
The language enjoyed substantial prestige in the days of the Venetian Republic, when it attained the status of a lingua franca in the Mediterranean. Notable Venetian-language authors are the playwrights Ruzante (1502–1542) and Carlo Goldoni (1707–1793).
What are the differences between the Italian and Venetian ... › What-are-the-differences-betwe...
Venetian is a romance language and spoken by the northeast Italians specially in the veneto region of Italy but Italian is spoken every where in the country ...
Venetian language - Wikipedia › wiki › Venetian_language
Venetian is number 15. Venetian [7] [8] or Venetan [9] [10] ( łéngua vèneta [e̯ŋɡwa ˈvɛneta] or vèneto [ˈvɛneto]) is a Romance language spoken natively in the northeast of Italy, [11] mostly in the Veneto region, where most of the five million inhabitants can understand it.
The Venetian Language - Language | Truly Venice …
The Venetian Language is also known as ‘the language of the sea’, partially because of Venice’s location on the water, but also due to how words evolved so that they could be clearly …
Venetian language in the world – Lingua Veneta
First of all, Venetan is spoken in Veneto (north-east of Italy). Here people speak different variants of this language: Venetian, Veronese, Belunese, Trevigiano and Padovano-Vicentino-Rovigotto. …
Venetian language - Wikipedia
Venetian or Venetan is a Romance language spoken natively in the northeast of Italy, mostly in the Veneto region, where most of the five million inhabitants can understand it. It is sometimes spoken and often well understood outside Veneto: in Trentino, Friuli, the Julian March, Istria, and some towns of … Näytä lisää
The private language of Venice - BBC Travel › travel › article › 20201013-the-pri...
To evade notice, Venetians even have their own language, which serves as an invisible veil that they can cast over their private world.
Venetian language - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Venetian language (in Venetian: vèneto) is a Romance language.. It was the language once spoken in the Republic of Venice.. Today. In the present day, it is spoken in the Italian regions …
Learn to Speak Venetian - My Language Exchange
Learn Venetian online by practicing with a native speaker who is learning your language. Write or speak Venetian online to improve grammar or conversation. A language exchange …
Venetian dialect, the language spoken in - Venice Italy › local-dialect
The Venetian dialect is represented by colorful expressions, which is nice to know. The cadence in speech is slurred with loud sounds and with the pronunciation of double consonants as if it were one. The Venetian dialect, also called "dialeto del mar" (dialect of the sea), was the official language of the Venetian Republic together with Latin ...
Venetian (or Venetan) language – Lingua Veneta
Venetian (or Venetan) language. The Statute of Veneto Region cites the “Venetian people” and UNESCO gives to Venetian language the status of not endangered language, as it is usually …
Venetic language - Wikipedia
Venetic is an extinct Indo-European language, usually classified into the Italic subgroup, that was spoken by the Veneti people in ancient times in northeast Italy (Veneto and Friuli) and part of …
Venetsian kieli – Wikipedia
Venetsian kieli (omakielinen nimi vèneto, ital. veneto) on romaaninen kieli, jota puhuu noin kaksi miljoonaa asukasta Pohjois-Italiassa Veneton ja Friuli-Venezia Giulian alueella sekä Istrian slovenialaisessa ja kroatialaisessa osassa. Euroopan ulkopuolella kieltä puhutaan myös Rio Grande do Sulin osavaltiossa Brasiliassa. 28. maaliskuuta 2007 alkaen venetsian kieli on virallisesti tunnustettu laissa "t…
The Sound of the Venetian language (UDHR, Numbers, Greetings …
18.8.2020 · Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together. I created this for educational purposes to spre...
Venetic language - Wikipedia › wiki › Venetic_language
Venetic is an extinct Indo-European language, usually classified into the Italic subgroup, that was spoken by the Veneti people in ancient times in northeast Italy ( Veneto and Friuli) and part of modern Slovenia, between the Po River delta and the southern fringe of the Alps. [3] [1] [4]