Vatican City - Wikipedia › wiki › Vatican_CityVatican City ( / ˈvætɪkən / ( listen) ), officially Vatican City State ( Italian: Stato della Città del Vaticano; [f] Latin: Status Civitatis Vaticanae ), [g] [h] is a landlocked independent city-state, microstate and enclave within Rome, Italy. [15] [16] It became independent from Italy in 1929 with the Lateran Treaty, and it is a ...
Vatikaani – Wikipedia › wiki › VatikaaniVatikaani ( lat. mons Vāticānus) tarkoitti Tiberjoen oikealla puolella sijaitsevaa kukkulaa, jolla antiikin aikana sijaitsi keisari Neron rakennuttama Vaticanuksen sirkus. Kukkulan nimi tulee etruskista, vaikka aiemmin sen on uskottu johdetun latinan ’ennustajaa’ tarkoittavasta sanasta vates (vrt. vāticinātiō ’ennustus’).
Vatikaani – Wikipedia (ital. Vaticano, lat. Civitas Vaticana) , myös Vatikaanivaltio (ital. Stato della Città del Vaticano, lat. Status Civitatis Vaticanae), on Italian pääkaupungin Rooman ympäröimä, pinta-alaltaan ja väkiluvultaan maailman pienin itsenäinen valtio. Pinta-alaltaan se on vain 44 hehtaaria. Vatikaanin suvereeni … Näytä lisää
The Holy See - Catholic Church › content › vaticanVisiting the official website of the Holy See one can browse: the Magisterium of the Supreme Pontiffs (from Pope Leo XIII to Pope Francis); the fundamental texts of Catholicism in various languages (the Sacred Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the documents of the Second Vatican Council and the Code of Canon Law); the documents of Dicasteries, Bodies and Institutions of the Roman Curia
Vatican Maps & Facts - World Atlas › maps › vaticanFeb 24, 2021 · Outline Map. Key Facts. Flag. Vatican City is the world's smallest country. It covers an area of only 0.19 sq mi or 0.49 sq. km. It sits on a low hill known as the Vatican Hill. The highest point here is at 250 ft (76 m) and the lowest point is at 63 ft (19 m). The country lacks any rivers of lakes.