Our story - Vana Tallinn
vanatallinn.eu › en › our-storyVana Tallinn’s flavour is an exceptional blend of robust Jamaican rum, exotic orange and lemon, and aromatic spices picked with the utmost care. Its recipe, only known to Liviko’s liqueur crafters, contains more than ten ingredients. Vana Tallinn’s profound and laborious creation process is mostly carried out by hand.
News - Vana Tallinn
vanatallinn.eu › en › newsJan 09, 2020 · The most popular Estonian liqueur Vana Tallinn has a new label that as of now distinguishes even more clearly the three different strengths. Compared to the previous design that lasted almost a decade, the front of the bottle now contains more information about the drink. “The Vana Tallinn liqueur is a … Read more 24.09.2018
Avaleht - Vana Tallinn
https://vanatallinn.euLegendiks sündinud. Vana Tallinn nägi ilmavalgust 1960. aastal. Retsepti lõi legendaarne Liviko liköörimeister Ilse Maar. Maar ja tema meeskond katsetasid läbi terve rea erinevaid …
Vana Tallinn Signature - Vana Tallinn
vanatallinn.eu › en › productDark brown with a soft red hue, the liqueur has a bouquet of citruses, spices and cognac with hints of caramel in its flavour and aroma. All of this blends into handmade harmony ABV 40% vol Product sheet 40% vol 500 ml Serving Vana Tallinn Signature is perfect served neat or chilled in a liqueur or cognac glass. View cocktails Discover more
Home - Vana Tallinn
https://vanatallinn.eu/enBORN TO BE A LEGEND. It was 1960 when Vana Tallinn was born. The recipe was created by Ilse Maar, a legendary Estonian liqueur artist, and her team at the Liviko factory. They took their …
Home - Vana Tallinn
vanatallinn.eu › enIt was 1960 when Vana Tallinn was born. The recipe was created by Ilse Maar, a legendary Estonian liqueur artist, and her team at the Liviko factory. They took their time, working on different combinations until they found a perfect way to blend high-quality rum, the finest spices and exotic citruses – an unheard-of combination in those days.
Visit us - Vana Tallinn
vanatallinn.eu › en › visit-usIn addition, it is possible to partake in Vana Tallinn liqueur online cocktail classes. Visits to Liviko must be booked in advance and the distillery’s hygiene and safety rules must be reviewed ahead of time. To participate in the Liviko Distillery factory tour, a person must be at least 18 years old. Open 9:00-17:00 Monday-Friday