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Value definition

Value Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › value
Definition of value (Entry 3 of 3) : of, relating to, or being a brand of inexpensive products marketed as an alternative to other, more expensive brands consumers choosing between premium brands and value brands As the economic downturn set in, value products have been "legitimized," leading rich and poor alike to buy them. — Andrea Felsted
Value definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary › v...
1. a fair or proper equivalent in money, commodities, etc., esp. · 2. the worth of a thing in money or goods at a certain time; market price · 3. estimated or ...
VALUE | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary › value
a number or symbol that represents an amount: The modem speeds must be set to a fixed value. A number system defines a set of values used to ...
Value Definition & Meaning |
value. / ( ˈvæljuː) /. noun. the desirability of a thing, often in respect of some property such as usefulness or exchangeability; worth, merit, or importance. an amount, esp a material or …
Value Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary › dictionary
VALUE meaning: 1 : the amount of money that something is worth the price or cost of something; 2 : something that can be bought for a low or fair price.
Value Definition - Investopedia
21.6.2011 · Value is the monetary, material, or assessed worth of an asset, good, or service. "Value" is attached to a myriad of concepts including shareholder value, the value of a firm, fair …
Value Definition - Investopedia › terms › v
Aug 09, 2022 · Value is the monetary, material, or assessed worth of an asset, good, or service. "Value" is attached to a myriad of concepts including shareholder value, the value of a firm, fair value, and...
VALUE | meaning, definition in Cambridge English …
value noun (IMPORTANCE) [ S or U ] the importance or worth of something for someone: For them, the house's main value lay in its quiet country location. They are known to place /put/set …
Value Definition - Investopedia › terms
Value is the monetary, material, or assessed worth of an asset, good, or service. · "Value" is attached to a myriad of concepts including shareholder value, the ...
Value definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
1 päivä sitten · The value of something such as a quality, attitude, or method is its importance or usefulness. If you place a particular value on something, that is the importance or usefulness …
Value Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › v...
Definition of value · 1 : the monetary worth of something : market price · 2 : a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged · 3 ...
Value - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries › ...
value · ​. [uncountable, countable] how much something is worth in money or other goods for which it can be exchanged · ​. [uncountable] (especially British ...
Value - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - › value
Value has to do with how much something is worth, either in terms of cash or importance. As a verb, it means "holding something in high regard," (like "I value ...
Values: Definition, Characteristics, Importance, Types of …
Values defined in Organizational Behavior as the collective conceptions of what is considered good, desirable, and proper or bad, undesirable, and improper in a culture. Some common …
Value - definition of value by The Free Dictionary › v...
Define value. value synonyms, value pronunciation, value translation, English dictionary definition of value. n. 1. An amount, as of goods, services, ...
Value Definition & Meaning | › browse › value
Value definition, relative worth, merit, or importance: the value of a college education; the value of a queen in chess. See more.
Best 51 Definitions of Value - YourDictionary › value
Value definition · A principle or standard, as of behavior, that is considered important or desirable. · To regard highly; esteem. · The social principles, goals, ...
Value - definition of value by The Free Dictionary › value
Value - definition of value by The Free Dictionary value Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia . val·ue (văl′yo͞o) n. 1. An amount, as of goods, services, or money, considered to be a fair and suitable equivalent for something else; a fair price or return. 2.
Value Definition & Meaning | › browse
To value something is to consider it with respect to worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance. How is value different from esteem, appreciate, and prize?
Values - Ethics Unwrapped
Values are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another. They serve as a guide for human behavior. Generally, people are predisposed to adopt the values that they are …
What are Values? - Ethics Sage
1.8.2018 · Values are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate attitudes or actions. They help us to determine what is important to us. Values describe the personal qualities we …
Value Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Definition of value (Entry 2 of 3) transitive verb. 1 : to consider or rate highly : prize, esteem values your opinion. 2 a : to estimate or assign the monetary worth of : appraise value a necklace. b : …
Value - definition of value by The Free Dictionary
11 riviä · n. 1. the desirability of a thing, often in respect of some property such as usefulness …
VALUE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
value meaning: 1. the amount of money that can be received for something: 2. the importance or worth of something…. Learn more.